I’m learning to be this kind of girl. It’s not easy. It’s a slow process of the bending of my will so it takes the shape of His. It’s the gentle loosening of my clenched fist. It’s a daily decision to say yes when every fiber of my being wants to go my own way. I used to be so afraid.
Read MoreWhen you feel your joy being depleted, no matter the cause, remember your joy comes from the Lord. Happy is an emotion and changes just as quickly as a traffic pattern, but joy, true joy, is from the Lord.
Read MoreI suppose there are many of us who, at times in our lives, have questioned whether or not we took the right path. The varying degrees of this thought pattern are multifaceted and can range from “I wish I would have done such and such a thing” to “Where would I be if I had made this choice?” We treat our life as if it’s a cosmic “Choose Your Own Adventure,” forgetting about the variables that surrounded us at that time, variables that most certainly swayed us one way or another.
Read MoreI remember it more than I like. I have a story almost exactly identical to this. I was with a huge group of friends, who are so loving and welcoming. They’re not intimidating or judgmental. They’re the opposite - silly and encouraging.
Read MoreWe all pictured 2020 to look a little different than this. As we’ve all been watching the news for weeks now, this pandemic has unfolded right in front of our eyes. Never, did it cross our minds that part of 2020 would be spent quarantined at home. As we watch the news from home, all we see is death and suffering. You start to wonder, when will this all end?
Read MoreI did a crazy thing today. It’s not the first time and it probably won’t be the last. But most people would probably call this one of the craziest. I signed on for a new (more expensive) apartment. Not a big deal, right?
Read MoreI have a secret to admit, I’ve played small in a lot of areas of my life. Sure, I’ve taken some risks but they’ve been very calculated. I’ve preferred to cautiously tiptoe into the deep end instead of diving in and if I’m honest the reason why has been – fear.
Read MoreThe topic of anxiety is one that pulls at my heart like no other could. But I’m going to be honest, I don’t suffer from anxiety like most people do. I suffer from the outside looking in. I see people I love being swallowed whole by this epidemic, and I feel so powerless… but am I?
Read MoreI sat in the room, with only one other person. He told me about an opportunity I had never heard of. I never imagined this opportunity would ever be offered to me. I did not even know the thought existed, before taking those few steps into his quaint, quiet office. As my hands became sweaty and my mind became numb, he explained this choice to me and encouraged me. I was faced with a difficult decision. Do I take the opportunity? Or do I stay where I am, and on the plan I had set for myself?
Read MoreWe allow our feelings of vulnerability (real or imagined) to take over. We begin to act out of that fear, rather than our faith. How many times have you said “no” because you were afraid that you would make a mistake? And from that mistake, everyone else would be able to spot your weaknesses?
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