This scripture is saying that the way we live should always honor and please the Lord. If we do that, we produce fruit while we are also growing to know God better. Growing in Christ takes effort.
Read MoreIt's easy to look at the gospel as the means by which we are free from death and hell and the wrath of God. While this is true, it is also true that through the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins, we are free for something: namely, to live for God by engaging in the good works to which He has called us.
Read MoreThe bottom line is that we must learn to take responsibility for the health of our own soul and learn to rest in Him. Cease wrestling and striving. One aspect of this is to recognize that I am not responsible for the management of others’ perceptions of me.
Read MoreAll through Scripture, we see examples of how God does great things through His followers. Joshua 6 is a perfect example of this. The Fall of Jericho included listening to God and allowing Him to work in a mighty and powerful way.
Read MoreStudying the Bible through God's lens - not our desires
Read MoreIt’s not in your best interest to skirt around God and His commands. It is so genuinely terrifying to me in today’s Christian culture how obsessed the masses are with this idea of “do whatever makes you feel good!” or “if what you presume God is telling you to do doesn’t match up with the way things are typically done, then by all means, go your own way.”
Read MoreJoin Alycia on a journey to explore how media in the 21st century shapes our lives and can be a tool for good.
Read MoreThe 100 days of gratitude, heart shaped journal was just what I needed. I had often started writing my gratitude list and never got as far as 365, so the ‘100 days’ made me smile! That got me thinking, instead of New Year Resolutions for 365 days, how about doing something each week for the next 52 weeks. Once a week, sounds very doable right?
Read MoreTrusting in God will increase your confidence in approaching Him. God has always been faithful. This verse follows the reassurance that if you believe what God says is true and you put your trust in Jesus, you have eternal life. That promise is where our confidence and trust come from.
Read MoreI want to remind you that “good” goals/tasks do not always equate to God’s will. The Bible states, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised” (New Living Translation - Hebrews 10:36). In whatever season of life you are in, make sure you are very close to Jesus and that you are making room in your calendar to hear His voice on a daily basis.
Read MoreWalk through the portal of the New Year, being careful not to repack the hurts of the previous year. He is doing a new thing!
Read More‘Be perfect like your Heavenly Father is perfect’ says Jesus in the very last verse of Matthew 5. This is an important hinge in the chapters we call The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ kind of perfect was so very different from the ‘perfect’ defined by the world. Jesus not only described it, he modeled it for us.
Read MoreAs a mom of 3 under 4, I’m in constant need of some good, Biblical encouragement. The Walking in Wonder devotionals provide a wonderful, Biblical approach to understanding your child’s development while also giving you daily encouragement to grow in your faith.
Read MoreJust as I want to help my child and see him succeed, God wants the same for you. As much as I love my child, God loves His children more. Motherhood has shown me how much you can love your child and has given me a new understanding for how God loves us, his children.
Read MoreWhen we trust God with our lives, we can see how He, through His grace and promise of salvation, can take us from things in life that keep us from thriving and place us in a garden of growth and beauty.
Read More‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want’ took on new meaning for me. I am amazed at the dots which the Lord connects, just to provide for us. He loves us as if we were the only one on the planet! Look back at your own life and make a list of all the Lord has provided for you. Some of God's miracles are small, let us not forget them. Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will provide.
Read MoreThe circumstances in our life that we are confronted with on a daily basis has a tendency to define us; but when we daily roll the losses we encounter onto the shoulders of a God who loves us fiercely and intimately, we learn to walk in His strength and not our own.
Read MoreDid you know that there's power in what we say? The Bible tells us that we have power in our words when we speak life or death. The meaning of speaking life is when our words are uplifting and encouraging. When we speak death, that is like saying I'm not enough or saying something that hurts someone else.
Read MoreWhen you feel your joy being depleted, no matter the cause, remember your joy comes from the Lord. Happy is an emotion and changes just as quickly as a traffic pattern, but joy, true joy, is from the Lord.
Read MoreJesus calls some to write a book, prepare a sermon, or start a podcast. He plans some to clean the toilets at church, design the cover page, manage the parking, or be a welcoming usher. As a college student, maybe he has called you to be a caring roommate and a hard-working student. At a particular time in my life, all I was called to do was be a loving wife and mother. Our roles change as we go through life. As we pray and wait on God, he shows us what we are called to do. He spells out our role!
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