I’m learning to be this kind of girl. It’s not easy. It’s a slow process of the bending of my will so it takes the shape of His. It’s the gentle loosening of my clenched fist. It’s a daily decision to say yes when every fiber of my being wants to go my own way. I used to be so afraid.
Read MoreWalk through the portal of the New Year, being careful not to repack the hurts of the previous year. He is doing a new thing!
Read MoreJesus calls some to write a book, prepare a sermon, or start a podcast. He plans some to clean the toilets at church, design the cover page, manage the parking, or be a welcoming usher. As a college student, maybe he has called you to be a caring roommate and a hard-working student. At a particular time in my life, all I was called to do was be a loving wife and mother. Our roles change as we go through life. As we pray and wait on God, he shows us what we are called to do. He spells out our role!
Read MoreThis wasn’t the life I had planned. It wasn’t part of the carefully filled out “five-year” plan I completed in senior English. This wasn’t what I had strived for, what I imagined, what I dreamt of. It was nothing I would have wanted for myself. By now, I should be putting a down payment on a house. I should have my New York Times bestseller published.
Read MoreFor many of us this question might be one we ask after completing a task, like when we graduate, finish a work project, finally move, or maybe when we land our dream job. But how do we answer it? How do we know when or how we take the next step? How do any of us even know what the next step is? I guess the simple answer is, we don’t know. No one, not one of us really knows what the next part of our lives looks like. We don’t even know what tomorrow looks like. And maybe, just maybe, that is a beautiful thing.
Read MoreEver since I was a teenager, I remember reaching into my pocket for my phone whenever I had a crisis. I’d quickly dial my parents and vent about the most recent school happening. Today, I still rely on others to listen and provide feedback on a how stressful work or a relational issue has been. In addition to my parents, my network has now grown to include more friends, coworkers and a fiancé for their opinion; I’m even in a group chat titled “The Counsel.” Big or small, I’ve been guilty of running to other people for help and encouragement instead of seeking God first. While there is a place for godly counsel and accountability, our refuge should not be in others.
Read MoreLuke 10:38-42 is about two sisters, Mary and Martha, who are welcoming Jesus and his disciples into their home. One sister, Mary, was sitting at Jesus’ feet taking in all He said. The other sister is Martha (I imagine her similar to a Southern woman who has invited guests over for a nice brunch). She is preparing fluffy pancakes, fruit, and biscuits and gravy, pouring the sweet tea and being the social butterfly in the room, accommodating all the visitors in her home.
Read MoreDid you ever have a dream but were too scared to attempt it? Did you think the idea was just too crazy or too big for God to handle? Well, you’re not alone.
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