Posts by Kelly Beth
Will You Wait for Me?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed.

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Hannah: For This Child I Prayed

Waiting is difficult, especially when waiting for something our hearts deeply desire. It isn’t for the faint of heart nor is waiting for those who give up easily. 1 Samuel 1:2 reads,¨and he had two wives; the name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.¨

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Will You Wait For Him?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed. Rain began and thunder followed almost immediately. The line was long, snake like, intimidating, never ending. “C’mon,” I thought, “I want to go home and read a book. This is taking too long”

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Blessed Be The Homemakers

God’s desires for our lives often come in quiet revelations and hushed tones, nestled between dirty dishes and early mornings. It’s an invitation hidden in not-yet-mopped floors and cluttered counter tops. For as long as I can remember, I wanted three things in life: to get married, become a homemaker, and be a writer. Maybe these tiny handfuls of whimsical dreams seem a bit trivial and cliché to you.

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Another Look At Provision

I remember how cold it was that day: lower thirties, typical Chicago weather. Although it was November, snow had not yet kissed our city streets. “All you need to do is be cool. Just walk into that restaurant, smile and ask for an application. That’s it. Just ten minutes of bravery. The worst they’re going to say is no, and if they do, you can try Olive Garden next.”

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Will You Wait For Me?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of waiting began. It was 2014, summer, right in the middle of hot, sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed. Rain began and thunder followed almost immediately. The line was long, snake-like, intimidating, never-ending.

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