So many times, the stories we hear are of those who had the craziest testimonies and found Jesus. If that is you, I am so proud of you and excited to meet you here on earth or in Heaven one day! Many times, the ones that stayed under that umbrella don’t get as much of an opportunity to tell their side of the story. They don’t wear the scars of the past, but bear the blessing of obedience.
Read MoreWhat if obedience was the precursor to something God wanted to do for you later in life? Would you choose to snap to attention right away? No questions asked? Easy, right? But only if we know the why behind the ask.
Read MoreAs I was writing out Scripture the other day, I settled in Philippians 2:12-18. I'm going to write it out for you because I love the passage in its entirety, but if you have a Bible, open up on your own and read it in your version. Any time we can open up the word of God on our own, we need to do that, even if it's on a screen in front of us. Here are some things the Holy Spirit taught me through the study of this passage.
Read MoreRecently I heard a sermon online about blessings and curses. The pastor mentioned Deuteronomy 28, which led me on an exegesis (an in-depth study of the meaning behind this passage) of the chapter. What leads to blessings and what leads to curses? It all came down to one thing - obedience.
Read MoreI’m a nanny. It’s a job which has provided me more than a few life lessons. Today, especially. I brought the four-year-old home from preschool, and reminded her of the chores she had to complete before eating lunch. I made lunch and returned to her. She failed to complete her tasks and instead chose to sit and fiddle with a toy. Usually, I don’t have any profound thoughts or nanny-wisdom. But as I watched her, I knew what I needed to say to her. I walked over and sat in front of her.
Read MoreObedience — our culture has put such a negative connotation around in, when in reality, it is such a beautiful thing in the context of Christ. Think about this; Christ was constantly obedient to our Heavenly Father (John 14:31). In that, we received grace, forgiveness, peace, mercy, salvation, love and the list could go on. Well, aren’t we called to live a life exemplified by Christ? Wouldn’t that include being obedient to our Heavenly Father? The answer, to both of these questions, is YES!
Read MoreGod’s call on your life is greater than the “yes” or “no” of men. When going through a personal experience of my own, I have wondered about the people that stand in the way of what God wants to do. I mean, I know God's plan will ALWAYS come to fruition, He doesn’t have a Plan B.
Read MoreMark is the perfect go-to gospel for men. This action-packed account of Christ’s life unfolds like a Hollywood blockbuster. One writer described this rendering as Jesus revealing Himself more by what He does than by what He says. John Mark was quick to get to the point in his factual and focused account. As a female, who happily has a higher word count per day, I prefer John’s gospel. I love its expanded discourses and intricate narrative detail. It would be fair to say it is my gospel go-to.
Read MoreTake a little extra break here, fudge on the speed limit there. Tell a white lie to get out of a commitment. Look the other way when a Sister or Brother should really be confronted. Serve the Lord or serve myself? Decisions, decisions…
Read MoreThe convenience of a streaming church service can be a double-edged sword. Indispensable to those who cannot leave their bed, but a tool of temptation for the devil. I heard that whisper this morning: Why get up so early? It's cold and you deserve a break, and who will notice you anyway? Whether you go or stay won't make a difference. You're still going to watch the sermon online, it's not a sin to miss one week…
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