Posts tagged God's voice
Blessings of Obedience

So many times, the stories we hear are of those who had the craziest testimonies and found Jesus. If that is you, I am so proud of you and excited to meet you here on earth or in Heaven one day! Many times, the ones that stayed under that umbrella don’t get as much of an opportunity to tell their side of the story. They don’t wear the scars of the past, but bear the blessing of obedience.

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My Need for God: Cultivating a Deep Relationship with Christ

I want to remind you that “good” goals/tasks do not always equate to God’s will. The Bible states, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised” (New Living Translation - Hebrews 10:36). In whatever season of life you are in, make sure you are very close to Jesus and that you are making room in your calendar to hear His voice on a daily basis.         

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Our Faith Is The Ultimate Influencer

Social media and one’s online presence has become a milestone or achievement for so many people that we have even coined a term for it: influencer. Influencers are found on many social media platforms, where they are praised for their ability to create content with cohesive feeds, have thousands of followers, and influence people on all kinds of decisions, like things to buy or places to shop.

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