I’m learning to be this kind of girl. It’s not easy. It’s a slow process of the bending of my will so it takes the shape of His. It’s the gentle loosening of my clenched fist. It’s a daily decision to say yes when every fiber of my being wants to go my own way. I used to be so afraid.
Read MoreHagar (meaning flight or forsaken), handmaid of Sarai, acts as a model of hope in the midst of distressing circumstances. Tasked with bearing a son for her mistress Sarai, Hagar was thereafter banished to the desert in what must have felt like an ultimate act of betrayal and unkindness from her mistress.
Read MoreI’ve been reflecting on security a lot. My cat finds security in cozy spots - the space between the toilet and the sink, under the covers of my bed, a box of clothes to donate sitting on my closet floor, or even the back of a kitchen cabinet if I accidentally leave it open. When he’s scared or nervous, he’ll crawl into those places because they make him feel safe.
Read MoreTo the girl whose stomach sinks when she thinks too much about life… You are seen. You are loved. You are held.
Read MoreAnxiety has become a buzzword in society. Everywhere we look we see people openly admitting that they have anxiety, followed by their recommendations on how to alleviate it. It’s almost becoming a normal thing to have some sort of mental illness and declare it across social media. Let’s not forget the jokes suggesting things like needing a Xanax to calm down from a day.
Read MoreI think the older you get, the more shame is attached to the words "I'm lonely." But I was. I felt like I was drowning. I felt like I was dying. Several years ago, I thought it would start to get better with a new year. At the time, I was starting two new jobs and was involved in multiple volunteer opportunities. I figured somewhere along the way I'd stop feeling lonely. But I didn't. And I started to wonder why.
Read MoreThat moment, when God was so faithful to touch me with His healing hand and fill me with His rich love, I knew that it was necessary. I knew that I would never be the same. You see, I grew up worshiping a creator who I believed was present but apathetic. A God who didn’t think good thoughts towards me. Who preferred others over me. The abandonment I experienced from both my biological father and stepfather so tainted my view of fatherly love that I didn’t know how to receive pure love from my Father in Heaven.
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