Posts by Ozi Ojukwu
Interacting with Others at Work

If you're a young professional on Instagram, or just about any social media really, you've no doubt seen creators share videos about the corporate working experience. Whether they're laughing about common corporate jargon (like "What did you do over the weekend?") or satirically complaining about customers at work, this media is popular because it is relatable. Who among us hasn't gotten frustrated about some detail of our work?

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Ozi Ojukwu Comments
Discrimination in the Workplace

As Christians, we know that the Fall introduced sin and toil into the world, and our workplaces are not immune. One example of such sin and toil in the workplace is discrimination, which is defined as the prejudicial treatment of different categories of people. 

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WorkOzi OjukwuComment
Your Work is Not Who You Are

I want to be a psychologist. I want to work as a psychologist. The above two statements are representations of my thoughts concerning my future career choices. While they are overwhelmingly similar, they have a subtle distinction that helps frame my work into a proper perspective. The first statement makes my career choice an identity. The second statement identifies my future work as a role - something I assume in a particular situation, and then complete. The bottom statement is the one I want to think and speak.

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WorkOzi Ojukwu Comment
Words to the Wise: Comfort in the Waters

I wrote this verse wondering why it is that we grieve when tragic things happen to us - why should we care when tragedy is part and parcel of this world, that we created? This is the question I am essaying - attempting - to answer today. In the end, we grieve because we care about our relationships. Whether it is estrangement, divorce, or death, we grieve because we love the one who is now lost. How is it, then, that we as Christians can grieve with hope?

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TheologyOzi OjukwuComment
Words to the Wise: Your Advocate Defends You

Imagine yourself in a courtroom where you are being judged – perhaps by God (yes, I am aware that no one has seen God at any time; just imagine the context of the scene). You know that you are guilty of disobeying the law – again. You know there is no hope for you, and shame and fear fill your insides as you contemplate the just punishment that awaits. Maybe this is something you know is wrong, but keep doing despite your desire to do the right thing (Romans 7:15-17).

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Words to the Wise: Grafted In

In Acts 8:26-40, we see that an angel of the Lord told Philip to go south along the road that went from Jerusalem to Gaza, to a deserted place. Philip obeys and encounters a prestigious Ethiopian official, a eunuch who had charged all over the Kandake’s (Candace in Latin) treasury and was returning to Jerusalem. Ethiopian doesn’t necessarily refer to the modern country of Ethiopia; the Greeks used the term to refer to all of Africa south of Egypt (likely similar to Sub-Saharan Africa today). In this case, this eunuch came from the kingdom of Kush - we know that from the word Candace, transliterated from the title Kandake, which the Kushites used as their term for the queen.

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Words to the Wise: Seeker & Savior of the Lost

John 4 tells us that Jesus had to go through Samaria to get to Galilee from Judea. When you consider the subtext, that fact shines brilliantly with beauty. Jesus, as a Jew, would have been perfectly justified in not going to Samaria. The Jews hated Samarians, who believed only in the first five books of the Old Testament and were considered (prejudicially) half-breeds, being Jewish and Gentile. The Samaritans, too, hated Jews.

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