Posts in Work
Discrimination in the Workplace

As Christians, we know that the Fall introduced sin and toil into the world, and our workplaces are not immune. One example of such sin and toil in the workplace is discrimination, which is defined as the prejudicial treatment of different categories of people. 

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WorkOzi OjukwuComment
Finding Joy in Work

Get up at 6AM, 8AM, or if you’re lucky, 10AM (anyone?). Turn the coffee brewer on, or prepare the tea bags if that’s your preference. Shower (or not). Drive to work, or, if you’re fortunate, walk downstairs to your home office. Work for eight hours Monday through Friday. Turn off your computer portal, and hit repeat. If you’re a weekend warrior, while everyone else gets to hang out with their friends, you have to work. 

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Your Work is Not Who You Are

I want to be a psychologist. I want to work as a psychologist. The above two statements are representations of my thoughts concerning my future career choices. While they are overwhelmingly similar, they have a subtle distinction that helps frame my work into a proper perspective. The first statement makes my career choice an identity. The second statement identifies my future work as a role - something I assume in a particular situation, and then complete. The bottom statement is the one I want to think and speak.

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WorkOzi Ojukwu Comment
Healthy Habits for Working from Home: Encouragement for the Remote Employee Who Feels Isolated and Exhausted

I have worked remotely for more than ten years. Previously, people were always surprised and excited to hear this. They ask if I work from bed, and if I nap on the job, but the most common question is: “So you don’t even have to wear pants, right?” And now I have a platform to finally set the record straight: Nope, I don’t have to wear pants. Just to be clear, I DO, but it’s not technically a job requirement while I’m at home... 😂

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WorkMolly GonzalezComment
A More Beautiful Life Today & Tomorrow

I LOVE planning, organizing, and helping people discover their dreams for their future. For those who are just discovering Tirzah, I have a love of helping people discover their God-given purpose. I received my Master’s in Social Work, so I could help people move forward in life. Whitney actually discusses some important things we discussed in school throughout her book.

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The Next Right Thing: A Book Review

When I first stumbled upon Wall Street Journal bestselling author Emily P. Freeman, it was on her podcast. I saw it linked and shared somewhere that my mum brain can’t recall, and the title of it resonated with me. I was in a space that I’d never been in before, unemployed in the traditional sense of the word and at home with two littles. I finished up my paid ministry role in 2019 knowing that I wouldn’t be returning, so I was at a loss as to the ‘what now’ for my life. I was looking to find my Next Right Thing - I was looking for a new beginning.

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When Pride Turns Blessings Into Rights

This morning I discovered that a certain work benefit was being taken away and replaced with something inferior. That old familiar pang of indignation helplessness mixed with anger reared its ugly head. Never mind the objective reason that it is a for-profit company reallocating money from one thing to another, I felt indignant, affronted, entitled to the previous level of benefits I enjoyed before.

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WorkMolly GonzalezComment
3 Things I Learned About Starting A Ministry

We called it the Meeting Place. In 2019, I finished the Perspectives course with some close guy friends of mine, and we were fired up! We wanted to serve Jesus to the ends of the earth, but all of us weren’t in a place to pick up and go. Not all of us had the means to move to the ends of the earth. But we all had the same desire: to build a stronger community for college-age Christians and grow deeper in our faith. We decided to call it the Meeting Place, and that’s all we knew.

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How To Deal With Criticism

Let’s be real--most of us don’t like criticism. As a struggling perfectionist, I personally hate it when someone tells me I’m doing something wrong. I have a tendency to focus on the negative, even if 90% of the feedback was positive. Because no matter how true the words may be, criticism often leaves me feeling like a failure. But I’ve learned from experience that without a healthy dose of criticism, we can’t grow.

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WorkAbigail WalkerComment