I was reminded that Jesus is merciful and compassionate because He didn’t leave me in my darkness and encouraged me in my day of distress. Friend, no matter how dark the darkness seems around you, always remember that Jesus still saves and has “overcome the world” (New Living Translation - John 16:33). When life gets messy and you don’t know what to do or what to say, always start with God’s Word.
Read MorePaul was writing to his young friend and helper Timothy and today he decides to tell his story- what God had done in his life. We all have a ‘story’ don’t we? Apologist and evangelist J John says that as God’s children we should share that story with at least one person every day.
Read MoreIt’s not in your best interest to skirt around God and His commands. It is so genuinely terrifying to me in today’s Christian culture how obsessed the masses are with this idea of “do whatever makes you feel good!” or “if what you presume God is telling you to do doesn’t match up with the way things are typically done, then by all means, go your own way.”
Read More‘Be perfect like your Heavenly Father is perfect’ says Jesus in the very last verse of Matthew 5. This is an important hinge in the chapters we call The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ kind of perfect was so very different from the ‘perfect’ defined by the world. Jesus not only described it, he modeled it for us.
Read MoreJesus calls some to write a book, prepare a sermon, or start a podcast. He plans some to clean the toilets at church, design the cover page, manage the parking, or be a welcoming usher. As a college student, maybe he has called you to be a caring roommate and a hard-working student. At a particular time in my life, all I was called to do was be a loving wife and mother. Our roles change as we go through life. As we pray and wait on God, he shows us what we are called to do. He spells out our role!
Read MoreGod is not carrying around a big stick to hit or prod us with, to get us ‘back on track’ so that we can be ‘doing everything right’. He is leading us with gentleness.
Read MoreWhen God always goes the extra mile with his boundless grace and overflowing love for us, shouldn’t we as his children do the same? Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us to “‘Be imitators of God and live a life of love’ for then our lives are a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”.
Read MoreIt was the beginning of February; Alana turned the calendar to the new month and felt a tug in her heart. She had started January with lofty goals that she would not join gossip sessions at work, and she had already failed.
Read MoreYou may ask, “How did I get here?” And let me tell you, I’ve been there. The book of Hebrews offers helpful insight and hope for those who seek to restore closeness in their walk with God.
Read MoreThis week, we’re going to get to the heart of the Gospel that for many continues to be a paradox: how could the death of one man provide salvation to an entire world?
Read MoreGrowing up in a conservative, Slavic community, I was one of the few women to go to college and graduate, and the only one who graduated from law school. One time, a few guys from my church told my grandmother, “With one degree, maybe one of us would have married her, but with two, no one will.”
Read MoreThe end of graduate school was drawing near, and I was elated as I considered that the culmination of the past year and a half of my hard work was about to come to a poetic close as I crossed the stage, accepted my diploma, and became a master in my field. Even better, I knew I had a job waiting for me after I graduated - a rare gift in the recession era of the American economy. I would be teaching at the middle school where I had been working as a research intern and substitute teacher for the entirety of my graduate school career, since both the assistant principals and teachers alike had assured me that the opening in the English department was as good as mine.
Read MoreThis past week, I sat in a courtroom looking into the eyes of the two defendants responsible for breaking into my car, stealing my identity to commit fraud, and causing such stress, anxiety, and fear for me these last few months. While panicking, waiting for the judge to address the courts, I was reminded of the words Jesus prayed on the cross for the very ones crucifying Him, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Read MoreAs a teacher, I have become accustomed to artfully answering questions that do not have an obvious answer. Often, these thought-provoking questions encourage deep thinking or conversation. I consider these interactions to be great gifts of God, as they allow time for myself and my students to learn, teach, and grow with one another in His love.
Read MoreEver since I was a teenager, I remember reaching into my pocket for my phone whenever I had a crisis. I’d quickly dial my parents and vent about the most recent school happening. Today, I still rely on others to listen and provide feedback on a how stressful work or a relational issue has been. In addition to my parents, my network has now grown to include more friends, coworkers and a fiancé for their opinion; I’m even in a group chat titled “The Counsel.” Big or small, I’ve been guilty of running to other people for help and encouragement instead of seeking God first. While there is a place for godly counsel and accountability, our refuge should not be in others.
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