I was reminded that Jesus is merciful and compassionate because He didn’t leave me in my darkness and encouraged me in my day of distress. Friend, no matter how dark the darkness seems around you, always remember that Jesus still saves and has “overcome the world” (New Living Translation - John 16:33). When life gets messy and you don’t know what to do or what to say, always start with God’s Word.
Read MoreI heard a statement recently from someone who has been hurt by another in the church. When I say "in the church," I mean within the body of believers that makes up the church, not the actual church building. That got me thinking about what we do when people hurt us.
Read MoreForgiveness is arguably one of the most challenging instructions that Jesus gave us to follow. Logically, we understand that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and that to be forgiven we need to be willing to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). It seems as if the issue is straightforward, and if we did what Jesus said, life would be peachy. Why then do so many of us, me included, find it hard to move beyond forgiveness?
Read More“Break up your fallow ground” means to rend your heart, break down the barriers of your soul, and repent. I believe one of the hardest things to admit, especially for those “seasoned saints” or anyone who has walked with the Lord for any length of time, is our misunderstanding of repentance. I will admit that I once believed the word “repent” was directed only towards unbelievers or used only in the context of an altar call. Until recently, I never embraced the beauty that repentance brings to my relationship with Jesus.
Read MoreLove is the unconditional commitment to the well-being of others. It is a gift from God and He has given us the perfect picture of love through the sacrifice of His Son. God’s grace is a result of His love for us. We are called to love one another regardless of our differences or if we feel we have been wronged. We are called to commit ourselves to loving others. This is a hard concept to comprehend sometimes. It’s easy to say that I love people, but when it comes to those who have hurt me, it can be so hard.
Read MoreThis past week, I sat in a courtroom looking into the eyes of the two defendants responsible for breaking into my car, stealing my identity to commit fraud, and causing such stress, anxiety, and fear for me these last few months. While panicking, waiting for the judge to address the courts, I was reminded of the words Jesus prayed on the cross for the very ones crucifying Him, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Read MoreI have a problem with forgiveness. I cannot let go of the afflictions I’ve suffered at the hands of a loved one. I lay it before the cross one day, and creep back in the dark of the night to steal it back again.
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