Posts tagged peace
A Remarkable Love Letter

God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and kindness are all written on every page of the Bible. Through it, we get a glimpse of the Father’s love, an eternal, all-encompassing love that is not dependent on us but is, instead, freely given. Through Scripture, we can be part of the most remarkable love story ever told, a story of redemption, sacrifice, and newness that culminated in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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If we let our feelings control us, we are giving the devil a foothold. A door opens and the devil will use that door to trap us in our emotions. The devil knows what sets our emotions off, he knows our weakness, he knows our unhealthy coping skills… When we submit our troubles to God, He promises to deliver us from our troubles and the pain we may be feeling, whatever that may be

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Running Through the Fire

Like I said I don’t run so here, I am walking through singleness. I wish I could rush past this, but God has me in this season for a reason, and it’s only for a season. Seasons always change. After the winter comes the spring. We sometimes have to face the fire before we get the rain. Walking through singleness means you might face some fires before the rain. But going through the fires makes dancing in the rain with your significant other and every blaze worth it.

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Let Light Out

I would like to consider myself a woman reasonably gifted with words. I normally know how to string sentences together, but I also tend to talk way too much and too often (even making a career out of it!) so perhaps I’ve just had a lot of practice. My greatest God-moments, though, are when He is working in a way that I can’t explain or write down, and He gently whispers to me, “Rest in Me, instead of needing to define Me.”

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The Most Important Thing We Can Do This Year

It is safe to say that no one knows what this year will hold. None of us expected 2020 to turn out the way it did. Life as we know it has been turned inside out and upside down. While this is unnerving at times, as a Christian, it is vital to remember that nothing takes God by surprise. The most important thing we can do for ourselves this year is to dwell in intimacy with God.

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Safety In High Places

For several months, I had been having surreal, petrifying nightmares startling me awake in utter panic and terror that something tragic was happening to my loved ones. These weren’t premonitions or ordinary “you-had-too-much-to-eat” nightmares, but I believe, were demonic attacks from the enemy in an attempt to strike inordinate fear and panic into my mind to keep me from the pursuit and surrender toward Christ.

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Dealing with Disappointment

Be honest with me for just a minute—have you had a moment (or two or eighty–three) during this pandemic with those you most love? Have you totally lost your focus, your emotions, and the tight reign you try to keep over your tongue? I have. I’ve had several of these moments, if I’m being honest, and just earlier this week I was in the throes of one such time. I have this issue that I am always working on, with having high expectations of people.

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On Mindful Balance

A trip to the grocery store this time of year is an opportunity to witness balance at its finest; families are often seen roaming the aisles together, putting boxes of crayons and boxes of graham crackers into their shopping carts in equal quantities.  The start of the school year is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean that there still isn't time for one more camping trip, one more opportunity for quiet and reflective family time, and one more new memory of summer before the dinner table becomes a site for homework help and weeknights get busier with the start of after-school sports and clubs.

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Joy In Your Journey

Camp stove. Fuel. Pot. Fork. Breakfast. Dinner. Coffee. Water purifier. Granola bar. Tea bags. Extra socks. Sleeping bag. Down jacket. Long underwear. Change of pants. Fleece vest. Mere Christianity. Water bottle. Apple. Toilet paper. Toothbrush. Toothpaste.  Pack cover. Fujifilm XT2. Coffee mug. Cord to hang a bear bag. More extra socks. Trekking poles. A hat. Phone charger/lantern. Overnight permit. With one last run-through of my mental checklist, I hefted the pack on my back. I adjusted the shoulder straps, clipped the hipbelt and tightened the chest strap. And I headed to the trailhead.

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