A few years ago, I never would have imagined that more than 4 years after college I would be back in the same house I grew up in. This little dingy house sits on the wrong side of town, yet holds 27 years of both good and bad memories. I also didn’t imagine getting married to a military man stationed overseas and not living together.
Read MoreEveryone seems to think that money is corruptive and poisonous to the soul – it can be if you turn it into an idol, but it can actually be propelled for good. Over the past few years, I’ve seen God work His way in my life by teaching me some important lessons about money. The biggest lesson being that I needed to trust in Him, including with my finances.
Now, we all know or have heard about Ruth’s past – was married into a household that worshiped God, lost her husband and father-in-law, and had the option to go back to her family but instead she decided to remain loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi. We also know what happens afterwards – Naomi’s family member, Boaz, marries Ruth and they live happily ever after. This is a love story far better than any made-up Disney romance.
Read MoreDear woman in the field,
I know there are days you wake up wishing things were different.
I know there are days you feel like giving up.
I know there are days you lie wide awake with mountains of stress and anxiety looming over you.
I know there are days you cry in the nooks of your homes, cars, workspaces, public bathrooms, and any place you can find to release the heaviness in your hearts.
But, I write to you to remind you that your God hears your cries and prayers – He sees you in these intimate moments and is with you.
Read MoreIn three out of the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke - we read about Jesus sending the disciples onto a boat into the Sea of Galilee, only for an unforeseen storm to head their way. Despite Jesus being near them, fear overpowered the disciples to the point they believed they would die. (Luke 8:24)
Read MoreWhat blessing have you been asking God for lately? Do you feel like your prayers are going unheard and unanswered? This is a reminder that there will be times when God prolongs a blessing after a season of waiting and painful wrestling with Him.
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