Posts by Whitney Malloy
A Thrill of Hope Day 1: The Purpose of Jesus

What a beautiful example of love and trust. Abraham loved and trusted God, and in turn, his son, Isaac, loved and trusted him.  Abraham loved God enough to sacrifice his one and only son, but assured his son that God would provide. Isaac did not question this answer, even when no lamb was being taken up the mountain as the sacrifice. 

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Count Your Blessings

For the past week, I have been waking up in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, for a few of these nights I could not go back to sleep for anything for several hours. I would make lists in my head about what I needed to do, think about work, think about the upcoming months, and eventually went to the living room to watch a show to try to help myself fall asleep. 

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When Life Gets Messy

No one - no one - can honestly say their life is perfect. No matter how the social media posts read or what the pictures look like; no life is perfect. Now, some people invite in more (emotional) mess than others, but even so, no one has a ¨mess-free¨ life. We live in a fallen world. 

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Priscilla and Aquila: Willing and Active Followers of Christ

If you are like me, you probably recognize the names Priscilla and Aquila. They are mentioned  several times by Paul in the books of Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Timothy. They are also noted in the book of Acts. If you are also like me, you may have unfortunately glossed over their story. I am here to share their lives more in depth with you, as they are an amazing example individually, and even more so as husband and wife, of living out your life for the Lord. 

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When My Heart Is Overwhelmed

The world can be overwhelming at times. The news, social media, and our daily life can all cause feelings of chaos to be stirred inside us, and we momentarily forget who is ultimately in charge. I know this happens to me at times, and I feel as if I lose focus on God. Whether it be for a few minutes or a whole day, when this occurs, it can be frightening. Thankfully, I know where to turn.

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The Book of Judges and Today

I have been listening to the podcast The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz, for a few years now. I love his dialogue after reading the scriptures. I have learned much from listening to the Bible daily and listening to his commentary afterwards. I recently went through the book of Judges in the Old Testament; and although quite different time periods from the modern time, there is, indeed, a connection between the book of Judges and our world today.

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Living God's Truth

Many of you have likely heard reality stars and celebrities speaking out about “living my truth.” This can be heard with changes in their gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, sharing their side of a story, and the like. When this terminology is used - living their truth - it is celebrated.

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Where I Find God

On our trip out west, we visited some of the national parks in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. As we were able to stand in awe of the magnificent creations, the above song always came to my mind. While I looked out at the views, I would find God there. As we watched the sun dip below the Grand Canyon, I could hear the many languages around me, and thought how cool it was that people of different nations and cultures all came together to witness God’s majesty together. When we would drive to our next destination of our trip, we would play worship music and enjoy the scenery, and I found God there, too.

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Why Church is Important

Do you know what day of the week is my favorite? Sunday. Sunday just seems to be a slower, more peaceful day - a day of restoration. I often try to do “gospel yoga” on the Peloton app prior to church. After church, we normally have lunch with our family and then have a “lazy” day. We hike, take a nap, catch up on a hobby, or read. Sundays are a day to regain focus; to rest and reflect on what is important in our lives.

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Perspective on the Recent Supreme Court Ruling

Imagine for a moment, two women, both of similar socioeconomic backgrounds and both unexpectedly pregnant. Today is a scary, life-altering day for them. At 24 weeks of pregnancy, both mothers learned of their baby’s gender four weeks ago, and could have heard their baby’s heart beating 18 weeks ago. The women and babies will undergo procedures performed today by physicians who took the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.”

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