The 100 days of gratitude, heart shaped journal was just what I needed. I had often started writing my gratitude list and never got as far as 365, so the ‘100 days’ made me smile! That got me thinking, instead of New Year Resolutions for 365 days, how about doing something each week for the next 52 weeks. Once a week, sounds very doable right?
Read MoreWalk through the portal of the New Year, being careful not to repack the hurts of the previous year. He is doing a new thing!
Read MoreAs we move into 2023, examine your life. What is distracting you? I am in no way saying to quit your job or dismiss your family because you feel they are distracting you from God. The point I am trying to make is this: Is your mindset on Christ? Are we living in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27)? Are you living as an example of Christ for others?
Read More2021. It’s a new year, filled with lots of hope and expectations for better days and more human interaction. At the end of 2020, everyone had big goals and hearts full of hope — hope in the new year, in the flip of a page of the calendar. And within just one week, our country faced an unspeakable trial, knocking down the hope in the better days that were supposed to refresh us in the new year. As Christians, we are called to put our hope in Christ, not in any year or even any person.
Read MoreBefore you can even think about 2020, you have to get your head around what 2019 has meant to you.
Read More“Comparison is the thief of joy” - I tell myself this often, and while there is truth to that statement, there’s also value in looking back to other, harder times in our lives and comparing the past to today’s victories. When I compare my life to where I was 5 years ago, I rejoice at what God has done for me.
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