The 52-12 Challenge
January 1st - A new year, a fresh start, and new beginnings. I love the feeling! This year my goal is to seek God above all else. Have you decided on a New Year Resolution yet?
“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Mathew 6:33
“If each year we would root out one fault, we should soon become perfect.”
Thomas A Kempis in The Imitation of Christ.
Every year I like to work on one heart attitude. To work on not judging others, to not gossip, to work on telling the truth and so on.
A few days before school closed for Christmas, Georgia, a dear friend, and colleague, gave me a beautifully wrapped gift. Like a child on Christmas morning, I quickly opened the gift on reaching home. It had been a long day and I could do with some excitement. The 100 days of gratitude, heart shaped journal was just what I needed. I had often started writing my gratitude list and never got as far as 365, so the ‘100 days’ made me smile!
That got me thinking, instead of New Year Resolutions for 365 days, how about doing something each week for the next 52 weeks. Once a week, sounds very doable right?
When I was a young girl, growing up in India, my parents, who were very intentional about teaching us the hymns they loved, taught us one hymn each week. Mum would write out one or two verses on a big card and we would sing it out together as a family of four after dinner each day through the week. By the end of the week, we all knew the words and the tune well so that was 52 hymns each year!!
“Lead us Heavenly Father lead us
Oér the world’s tempestuous sea
Guard us, guide us, keep us , feed us
For we have no help but Thee”
Though my dear parents are no more, hymns like this one are my prayer and my song now- a legacy I hope to pass on.
A couple of years back, I baked each Friday and prayed with whom I could share the goodies. Nothing fancy or spectacular, but most weeks I was able to do it as I prayed for that family. Writing out one verse for the week on a card and posting it in three places around the house (or car) will help it wash over you. This way you can store 52 verses in your heart by the end of the year!
As a young mother juggling home and work, maybe you often miss out on family Bible reading time. Could you plan for a pizza dinner once a week and a Bible story reading/role play session?
Prayerfully choose one for this year.It will look very different for each of us and that is how it should be.
Mine is to write out my take away from each week’s sermon each Sunday. I pray that this will help me listen well and follow along in my Bible as the Word is preached. Two years back, Meryn and I started a prayer date each Friday. We missed a few weeks here and there, but it has been a wonderful time of casting our cares on God.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7
My father was a busy GP during the weekdays, but Sunday evenings were kept aside each week for family time. We would go to the beach, visit extended family and Dad would often check on the elderly in the family as well. What could be something you could do once each week?
The next one is The Swell 12 challenge and it goes like this:
I like to spend time with Jesus at a café once each month. I take my Bible and journal and sit with Jesus in the quiet in the corner of a café. I always come away feeling stronger and calmer.
“In quietness and trust is your strength.”
Isaiah 30:15b
Each month this year, I am going to write and post snail mails to my grandsons. It will be packed with love, stickers and prayers!
Could you maybe meet as a group of friends at lunch break once a month to read and study a Psalm together? Could you get together as workmates after work once a month to make sandwiches for the homeless? Would a family potluck meal and singing choruses with the children at the park work for your family?
Choose something that will cause you to seek God and draw closer to Him. It is just 12 times, but once you schedule the day and time and do it, you will be glad you did. Ana and I are meeting at the beach today for a time of sharing and prayer. We are making the most of the glorious Auckland summer sunshine!
Lets take up the challenge and seek God together in creative ways!