Overflowing Joy at Home

A new topic has taken over my heart this month, and that is home. Home: A place where you feel loved and cared for, a place where you can be you. Whether or not this is your actual experience - to some it is a place of danger, or even abuse - we all carry a dream of home in our hearts.

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Deuteronomy... the Christian's Manifesto?

Imagine a people - living in a country they've called home for generations, but persecuted by their neighbors, government and friends for their beliefs. If they're lucky enough to have jobs, they are the dirty jobs no one else will do. Even their children are bullied and anything beyond a basic education is not available.

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A devastating passage, for those who do not have an anchor. Is it any wonder so many are without hope? Our culture builds security on seemingly everything and anything but God:  a nicer home, our talents, our careers, our notoriety, our name, our ego, the good opinion of others, our identity built around these things.

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Who Do You Say I Am?

Our lives are full of questions; spoken and unspoken, answered and unanswered.  In Ecclesiastes 1:9 we read, ‘There’s nothing new under the sun’, and this is never so obvious as when we consider how people have always pondered questions - from the earliest of Bible times through to today. Jesus himself lived with such experience, just as we do.

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The Secret Place

At yesterday's church service, one of the sermons was based on the above - Psalm 91, and these words have echoed in my heart long after the service was over. After reading the words above, how can you not want to leave everything and move to this Secret Place? It promises to provide a safe cocoon - nestled up high, away from all the worries, illness and troubles of the world. It's a safe haven and 24/7 protection from anything the Devil may throw at you.

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Discrimination in the Workplace

As Christians, we know that the Fall introduced sin and toil into the world, and our workplaces are not immune. One example of such sin and toil in the workplace is discrimination, which is defined as the prejudicial treatment of different categories of people. 

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WorkOzi OjukwuComment
The Lukewarm Christian

I am, at best, a lukewarm Christian. It's a hard thing for me to admit, but its the truth. I wish I was one of those people whose face just lights up all the time as they speak about Jesus. Maybe you've had the pleasure of being in the presence of such a God-obsessed person - glory practically oozes from their pores, their eyes sparkle and humility graces every word they say. They leave you inspired and a bit in awe.

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Faith Over Fear: Knowing God

I recently wrote an article entitled “The Lie of Loneliness” as part of a series focused on mental health.  The article was about how our mental health is affected when we believe we are alone. Satan will tell us that no one understands what we are going through. He will work to isolate us from our family and friends so we feel helpless and misunderstood.  

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Will You Wait for Me?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed.

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God, A Present Help

In the fall of 2015, I had been accepted to nursing school at my university, and I was in my first semester of what would be, unbeknownst to me, the hardest 2 years of my life. I came in bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to learn. I felt that this was one of the next big steps into my journey of becoming a nurse.

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This passage tethers my roving and restless soul to the unalterable promise that He instructs us and teaches us the way to go and guides us with His eye. There is an admonition to not be like the horse or mule, which have no understanding; He doesn’t want to muzzle us.

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When My Heart Is Overwhelmed

The world can be overwhelming at times. The news, social media, and our daily life can all cause feelings of chaos to be stirred inside us, and we momentarily forget who is ultimately in charge. I know this happens to me at times, and I feel as if I lose focus on God. Whether it be for a few minutes or a whole day, when this occurs, it can be frightening. Thankfully, I know where to turn.

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Regaining Our Innocence

Wide eyes, stumbling legs, big feelings, an innate hunger for knowledge, and a deep need for connection are the characteristics that come to mind when I think of children. Kids are constantly learning, trying, and exploring. They are never afraid to talk too much or scared to bother others.

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Good No Matter The Season

God created all the seasons, and he is good no matter what season we are in. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” -Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV. I’m single and you know what, God is still good. He can’t deny His character. God is good all the time. Period. End of story.

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