Posts by Guest User

Hospitality is others focused, and that is when we look more like Jesus Christ, when we focus on others, and not ourselves. As I have grown up, I’ve seen my own parents in action giving of their time freely, open up their home to strangers, give their money, resources, pray for others, laugh and cry with others and that showed me in action what true hospitality looks like.

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Book Review: Walking in Wonder: A Devotional Journal for Moms of Toddlers

As a mom of 3 under 4, I’m in constant need of some good, Biblical encouragement. The Walking in Wonder devotionals provide a wonderful, Biblical approach to understanding your child’s development while also giving you daily encouragement to grow in your faith.

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Dear college student, seize the day...

As a newly minted college graduate who is still trying to figure out who I am in God and just life in general, as I look through my social media channels and the blogsphere and see people still in that college phase, I have this urgency to tell you to step outside of that college bubble. So here it goes - words that go against everything you're told and probably against what you want. But, I pray that you'll read this with an open mind and a love for Christ. That's all it takes for the Holy Spirit to work in you.

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How Do You Approach God?

As I’m reading through the books of Kings, I’m struck by the difference of how Israel approached God and how we approach Him today. Yes, times have changed, but God has not and so haven’t humans. In the beginning of the first book of Kings, it is written about the life of Solomon and the temple he constructed for the Lord. There are chapters dedicated to describing the intricate details of this temple – the elaborate designs, only the finest of materials, and the grandeur that building exhibited.

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TheologyGuest UserComment
God Will Provide

Have you ever received a text, letter or even a note scribbled on a napkin from someone you liked - like giddy almost-loved kind of like? You know, like when that cute boy texted you and no matter how simple or unromantic the text is, to you it carries all the hidden mysteries of your relationship, so you treasure it by reading it over and over again.

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TheologyGuest User Comment
Ladies, What is "Beautiful?" Hint: It's Not About You

We are naive and beauty obsessed people. Always have been, and probably always be. In today's world, we are pestered with images of what beauty should look like and how we can achieve it. Open any magazine and you'll see at least one article/info graphic/ad telling you how you can draw attention to yourself by the clothes you wear, how you do your makeup or even the way you walk/talk.

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The Jesus Test

In today's world, living a Christian life has become a very gray area - each church and even each individual finds his/her own way to interpret the Bible - from one verse, you can get hundreds of different religions and personal beliefs. So, how do you know which one is right? How do you know if something is a sin? For example, is TV a sin? Movies? Sports? Some say there are, others scoff and say Jesus really doesn't have an opinion on the topic.

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Deuteronomy... the Christian's Manifesto?

Imagine a people - living in a country they've called home for generations, but persecuted by their neighbors, government and friends for their beliefs. If they're lucky enough to have jobs, they are the dirty jobs no one else will do. Even their children are bullied and anything beyond a basic education is not available.

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The Secret Place

At yesterday's church service, one of the sermons was based on the above - Psalm 91, and these words have echoed in my heart long after the service was over. After reading the words above, how can you not want to leave everything and move to this Secret Place? It promises to provide a safe cocoon - nestled up high, away from all the worries, illness and troubles of the world. It's a safe haven and 24/7 protection from anything the Devil may throw at you.

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A Temple of God

These two verses humbled to a new low.  “You are the temple of God.” I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the world and visit at least a dozen different churches, temples and cathedrals. Some were grand and filled with spectacular details; others were ancient, worn down by years and lack of care. But that feeling of entering a church was always the same - an awe that humbles and soothes the soul.

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