White Than Snow

Have you ever seen pure white snow; the kind that makes everything quiet?  When you walk in it and hear the crunching sound of your shoes, you stop in your tracks because you feel like you are a part of something that deserves your awe and stillness.  It is something that stays with you, the tranquility and calm of it all.

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Surrendering Singleness

War movies take me back to childhood. Growing up with two brothers I have seen my fair share. I always loved it when one combatant flew a white flag. A white flag signals surrender. To end the fighting. Lay down of arms.  I have been on the hunt for my future husband for the past decade. I’ve been looking, then God spoke an important truth over my heart.

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Who's Doing the Work?

If you kept a running count of all the times you fell short when it came to pleasing God, what would the total be? I know my number would be high, and that thinking about it at times could bring an unnecessary, yet heavy, heartache to my chest. Lately, God has placed it on my heart to meditate on, write about, and live out, rest in Him.

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God's Delay, Our Joy

One of Job’s major complaints against God was that evil people and their deeds seemed to thrive, not be punished as we would expect. It seemed like God allowed it all to happen without any recompense. At the same time, Job also acknowledged God’s certain judgment on the wicked. Note, this question was not coming from a place of unbelief or sin on Job’s part.

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Journeying with Jesus #6

What comes to mind when you hear the words, ‘Trust God’.  What does it mean?  What does it look like?   

Pause.  Jot down your thoughts, then read on.

The dictionary defines trust as: a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something.  Trust in God is a decision to stand against all odds and believe that He is good, reliable, truthful and able, regardless of the circumstances of our lives.

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Project 365

Each year I try to work on one heart attitude. This I have been doing for a couple of years now. I am a work in progress like all of us are, but this helps me to keep striving to the 365 mark even if I miss a day or more in between. One year I worked on complete honesty, the next year it was listening well and being 100% present where I am and in what I am doing. 365 days is a long time and by the end of it, the new attitude becomes a part of us.

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Managing Anxiety: A Recipe for Peace

Looking back, I have struggled with anxiety for much of my life. I can remember as a little girl, saying my prayers, “… If I should die before I wake…” and feeling so scared to go to bed. This fear of death and worry about things out of my control continued as I entered my teen years.

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Why We All Need to Study the Bible

I am a passionate fan of Bible studies (can’t you tell?). I love to fill my mind and heart with Jesus-honoring sermons, podcasts, books, etc. However, there is a stumbling stone here that, if I’m not careful will trip me up. Collecting Bible-based content is good, but only to a point. The creators of these things, are after all, human. And humans have a tendency to get things wrong sometimes. 

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Work has always been a part of the equation. We were always meant to tend, cultivate, and name; but, we don’t like to think about how the Fall created more work for us. In every way imaginable.  Eve missed the manipulation maneuver Satan pulled on her as he hacked his way into the equation. We still too often miss the clues that he’s hacking his lies into our lives.

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4 Practical Ways To Grow in Godliness As A Busy Mom

Do you feel stuck trying to make daily steps toward your spiritual growth as a busy mom? Here you can take 4 practical steps to grow in godliness while also being a busy mom. As a mom of 5 children 11 and under, I know firsthand how things don’t always go exactly as planned. Most days, I drink coffee that has been reheated four times, use dry shampoo like it is my lifeline and forget to eat.

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The Unexpected House

A few years ago, I never would have imagined that more than 4 years after college I would be back in the same house I grew up in. This little dingy house sits on the wrong side of town, yet holds 27 years of both good and bad memories. I also didn’t imagine getting married to a military man stationed overseas and not living together.

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Accepting the Invitation

In today’s culture, it is easy to get swept up in the grind mindset and an overall position of being discontent. The mornings that start off in a whirlwind of splashing water and chaotic closets have the ability to keep our bodies and minds in a state of stress throughout the day. As shadows grow longer, patience is harder to come by, especially in homes crowded with children, or workspaces teeming with tasks. The result? Our spirits become a total afterthought, more susceptible to lacking joy and gratitude

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TheologyRayanne NailComment
Back to the Very Beginning Part 2: The Biblical Church

Welcome to Part 2 of Back to the Beginning where we talk about the history of the church and why different denominations exist! Click here for Part 1 of our series! If we want to fully understand church history, we have to go back to the very foundations of the church. Throughout the New Testament, we see Jesus going into the synagogues, but we find that isn’t where the basis of church is.

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Your Work is Not Who You Are

I want to be a psychologist. I want to work as a psychologist. The above two statements are representations of my thoughts concerning my future career choices. While they are overwhelmingly similar, they have a subtle distinction that helps frame my work into a proper perspective. The first statement makes my career choice an identity. The second statement identifies my future work as a role - something I assume in a particular situation, and then complete. The bottom statement is the one I want to think and speak.

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WorkOzi Ojukwu Comment
Battling Spiritual Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Do you find yourself constantly worried that you don’t deserve the life you have and someone is going to call you out on it? I’ll be the first to tell you that I often question my self-worth and God’s ability to use me. I’m currently knee-deep in the job-hunting trenches, and while I know that I am qualified for the positions I’m applying for, I still find myself doubting my abilities and feeling like a fake.

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Confession The Musical: A Movie Review

Three hours watching a low - budget live play with very little prop settings. First off, I do have to say it is a movie about Amish people, so would you expect a lot of props & make - up for example? I know this review started off with preparation for a “that was horrible & this was the worst”. For me though, I surprised myself and watched the whole thing and found myself enjoying it. Many times we look for the whole fireworks - flashing lights, bright sets, and when watching a movie - changing scenery.

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Re-establishing My Relationship with the Father

My relationship with God has been rather steady since accepting Him into my life in 2015. But lately that steady relationship has been rocky or almost nearly non-existent. I don’t know exactly when it started to dissolve, but it did. Maybe it was when I took off my cross ring, maybe it was during my time of stress where I attempted to solve my own problems versus leaning on Him. 

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