A Wedding Prayer: A Wedding Is On, A New Family Is Born

Lord, we pray for the wedding coming up, for good health for all,

Pleasant weather, safety, and your presence in every part of the church and hall.

We pray for strength of body, heart, and mind for the elderly,

Joy and gladness for those who plan, arrange, and execute,

For wisdom, guidance, and your watchful eye over all,

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Stop and Pray

When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I ignored that voice in my head that said, “Pray first.”  There is no doubt in my mind that was the voice is the Holy Spirit. “I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And this peace is a gift that the world cannot give.”-John 14:27 NLT

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Saved By Grace Alone

When I notice something that bothers me in Church, or with other believers, it’s good to ask a question first: Is this a salvation issue or is it just a preference issue?

Christians are commanded not to judge others, but in a sense we do need to be able to judge for ourselves the non-negotiable territories. According to scripture, that line in the sand is where grace becomes legalism, and we start to do things because we think it will add anything to what Jesus has already done.

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Healthy Habits for Working from Home: Encouragement for the Remote Employee Who Feels Isolated and Exhausted

I have worked remotely for more than ten years. Previously, people were always surprised and excited to hear this. They ask if I work from bed, and if I nap on the job, but the most common question is: “So you don’t even have to wear pants, right?” And now I have a platform to finally set the record straight: Nope, I don’t have to wear pants. Just to be clear, I DO, but it’s not technically a job requirement while I’m at home... 😂

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WorkMolly GonzalezComment
Living God's Truth

Many of you have likely heard reality stars and celebrities speaking out about “living my truth.” This can be heard with changes in their gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, sharing their side of a story, and the like. When this terminology is used - living their truth - it is celebrated.

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What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? Review

One of my personal favorite things in theology is the study of apologetics. At Tirzah, we previously did an article that explains all things apologetics, which you can check out here. A brief definition for you in this moment is writings or words to justify one’s beliefs. The reason I just explained that to you is because Dr. James Kennedy’s documentary and book “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” is an apologetics book.

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Beckoning to Hope

Seminary has stretched me in many ways and urged me to grow in empathy and experience. One class I am taking this semester is Christian History 50 CE - 1500 CE. Stick with me here. My class has learned about ancient theological arguments that have shaped the faith we practice today and divided the then-forming Christian tradition. Our professor arranged a visit to an Eastern Orthodox church to learn about their traditions, which are different than ours in the western church. 

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For the Love of Money

Everyone seems to think that money is corruptive and poisonous to the soul – it can be if you turn it into an idol, but it can actually be propelled for good. Over the past few years, I’ve seen God work His way in my life by teaching me some important lessons about money. The biggest lesson being that I needed to trust in Him, including with my finances.

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Back to the Beginning Series: A Walk Through Church History (Pt. 1)

This means once a month throughout the year, I will be sharing with you how church doctrines and denominations came to be. Tirzah is not a place where we identify under a doctrine or a church denomination - rather we are a place where we explore God’s Word together and see how God has placed us in His Kingdom. As a ministry leader, I’ve connected many different women to the right churches for them. 

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Everything NEW- A Word Study

So we have hung up our new calendar for the year and have decided to start a few good habits (or at least one) in 2023. We have spent December 31st thanking God for the blessings of 2022 and our hearts are full of praise and thanks to God. As the new year dawns, we are glad but with it we draw a curtain on the unknown. The blank fresh dates on the calendar will soon get filled up. But for now, it is empty and blank.

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On Sharing Faith

Happy Monday, friends! I have a mini quiz for you to start off your week: Does the idea of sharing your faith make you uncomfortable and anxious? Do you feel inadequate to share your faith because you don’t have the right education or an actual Bible degree? Have you ever felt the whisper of the Holy Spirit to speak up in conversation, but chickened out due to fear of judgment?

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Advent: The Missing Pieces of the Christmas Season

Young and innocent Mary lived in Nazareth a town in Galilee. She was so excited, she blushed as her friends teased her as the bride to be. Mary was engaged to Joseph; she had seen Joseph a few times in family gatherings. He looked like a kind; compassionate man and she looked forward to starting a family with this godly man. As Mary’s friends left and her parents went about making the wedding arrangements, Mary caught herself all alone.

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Advent: With Bated Breath

Bated breath. A moment suspended in time. Bated means to lessen or diminish. It also means to moderate or restrain. There were two pivotal times where the weary world waited with bated breath - unbeknownst to them of the greatest miracle in time.

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Alycia JohnsonComment
Book Review: Cultural Counterfits by Jen Oshman

In her timely and vastly important book, Jen Oshman walks us through five specific ideals which our culture in particular shoves at women. She peels back the layers of lies, desires, and promises with a biblical lens. Cultural Counterfeits: 5 Empty Promises Of Our Age and How We Were Made for So Much More begins with the premise of the prodigal son parable and how we are prone to follow the call of sin and the world.

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A Grateful Heart

As children, we learned about the history of Thanksgiving. We made turkeys out of our painted hands and Indian and Pilgrim hats out of construction paper. We learned that Thanksgiving was a time when people from two diverse backgrounds shared a meal together. Yet, there is more to Thanksgiving than just this.

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