Each of us has our own unique way to show our love to Jesus and He loves it that way. So, if all you can give is a couple of cans for the soup kitchen, do it. If you read the Bible quietly in the University parking lot, do it. If you pray during your walk, make bookmarks with Bible verses for friends or carry one encouraging verse on your phone to read and meditate on, do it.
Read MoreWhen we trust God with our lives, we can see how He, through His grace and promise of salvation, can take us from things in life that keep us from thriving and place us in a garden of growth and beauty.
Read MoreWhen we inevitably experience trials and pains in our lives, we may have wounds that others can not see. As time passes on, those experiences can lead to scars. When we let God heal and comfort us, those scars become beautiful reminders of God's protection and love.
Read MoreWe are naive and beauty obsessed people. Always have been, and probably always be. In today's world, we are pestered with images of what beauty should look like and how we can achieve it. Open any magazine and you'll see at least one article/info graphic/ad telling you how you can draw attention to yourself by the clothes you wear, how you do your makeup or even the way you walk/talk.
Read MoreWe all have our favorite clothes, right? The ones we can’t live without. Over the years my wardrobe has taken on a very new look. For the 56-year-old Grandma in me, I like the clothes I have now. Muted shades, mostly ¾ sleeves and easy to maintain.
Read MoreI feel most beautiful, my true self, when I have no makeup on, and I am in jeans and boots, complete with a baseball cap. That is a far cry from where I was in high school; then I wouldn’t have dreamed of going out of the house without a full face of makeup.
Read MoreFor as long as I can remember, insecurity has been a part of my life. As a child, I had a skin disease called vitiligo, which causes loss of color that appears in patches. Fortunately, these blotches have become far less noticeable as I’ve grown up in the desert sun, but during junior high, I was incredibly insecure about my pale skin. I had ultra-white patches on the eyelids which made it look like I was constantly wearing eyeshadow and I always had to wear twice as much sunscreen as everyone else and constantly take breaks during my soccer games to reapply. Until wearing make-up became acceptable and age-appropriate, I would hate seeing myself in the mirror.
Read MoreThis post got waylaid. I approached it in a light-hearted mood, ready to look at the silly fantasies advertisers tried to sell us in days past about homemaking. I ended up appalled.
Read MoreAs women, we are so hard on ourselves. We are quick to critique our hair, our nails, our weight, our clothes, and our height. Hopefully, we aren’t this way with other people, but for ourselves? Yes, we are all too quick to be critical.
Read MoreEverything about who I am stems from what You say about me. Do I know what that is? Is who You created me to be something I have knowledge of? I don’t mean in the sense of “what is my purpose” and what it looks like in practice to fulfill Your plan, but the very essence of who I am or more importantly, whose I am.
Read MoreI have found myself thinking a lot about my identity lately, not just In a Spiritual way, but in rethinking how I view myself based on how the world tells me I should be viewed. For instance, when I introduce myself I have a really hard time just saying my name. I love when I am in a big group of people and you have to tell your name, what you do, a fun fact, or something else that tangibly explains a little bit of who you are as a person to the people you are meeting.
Read MoreSeveral years ago, I had a conversation with someone that I heard was saying hurtful things about me behind my back. It was something I’d heard several times over the years and had already addressed it once previously before. But here we were again and I knew I needed to address this situation.
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