Posts in Lifestyle
Managing Anxiety: A Recipe for Peace

Looking back, I have struggled with anxiety for much of my life. I can remember as a little girl, saying my prayers, “… If I should die before I wake…” and feeling so scared to go to bed. This fear of death and worry about things out of my control continued as I entered my teen years.

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Living God's Truth

Many of you have likely heard reality stars and celebrities speaking out about “living my truth.” This can be heard with changes in their gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, sharing their side of a story, and the like. When this terminology is used - living their truth - it is celebrated.

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For the Love of Money

Everyone seems to think that money is corruptive and poisonous to the soul – it can be if you turn it into an idol, but it can actually be propelled for good. Over the past few years, I’ve seen God work His way in my life by teaching me some important lessons about money. The biggest lesson being that I needed to trust in Him, including with my finances.

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Book Review: Cultural Counterfits by Jen Oshman

In her timely and vastly important book, Jen Oshman walks us through five specific ideals which our culture in particular shoves at women. She peels back the layers of lies, desires, and promises with a biblical lens. Cultural Counterfeits: 5 Empty Promises Of Our Age and How We Were Made for So Much More begins with the premise of the prodigal son parable and how we are prone to follow the call of sin and the world.

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A Word on Finances With AdelFI

We received an interesting offer from our blogger network to promote a Christian banking company called adelfi. At first I, Alycia, was unsure of whether or not this fit into our values here at Tirzah. However, I considered how I choose to do my own life. I personally believe in doing all I can to support the household of God (Gal. 6:10). Personally, I have been on a journey to learn about things like Christian health sharing programs, businesses, and more

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Book Review: When Faith Meets Therapy

As a former social worker, I was extremely excited to review Anthony Evans and Stacy Kaiser’s new book When Faith Meets Therapy. The entire premise is advocating for therapy for Christians - in the right context. At Tirzah, we have always been open about mental health and the need to grow for ourselves, so we can serve other people better. However, we are aware that a lot of stigma comes around therapy.

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Heart of Stone

Somewhere between playing cars and cowboys, a lot of boys learn that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Whether it’s through upbringing or society’s pressures, they learn they need to be strong for the girls. I think this mentality slows them down. Guys need to forget this way of thinking.

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A More Beautiful Life Today & Tomorrow

I LOVE planning, organizing, and helping people discover their dreams for their future. For those who are just discovering Tirzah, I have a love of helping people discover their God-given purpose. I received my Master’s in Social Work, so I could help people move forward in life. Whitney actually discusses some important things we discussed in school throughout her book.

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Book Review: Becoming Elizabeth Elliot

Most Christians have heard of the famous Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, a missionary couple called to reach a hostile group of native Ecuadorians who had yet to hear the good news of Jesus. While trying to establish friendship, Jim, along with four other men, was murdered by the tribe. Miraculously, Elisabeth Elliot not only stayed in Ecuador with their young daughter, but would later live among and witness to this same tribe that killed her husband, resulting in many of them coming to know Jesus.

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