3 Bible Verses On How To Love

Valentine’s Day is just a day. It’s February 14th every year. It has 24 hours in it. The sun rises at the start of it and the sunsets at the end. We eat. We drink. We go about our lives. Valentine’s Day is just a day. The ‘day of love’ has passed us by yet again and still, there is something deeply ingrained in our concept of this day that leaves quite a lot of us feeling a little more ‘lovey dovey’ than usual.

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Reflecting Peace

Standing on the shores of the Sea of Galilee I gazed out across the glasslike water. The surface was so still, it reminded me of a magnificent mirror. The calmness of the water ensured a near-perfect reflection of the surrounding Galilee mountains. I felt a holy hush settle gently as the peace of the scene surpassed the water’s edge and wrapped itself around me. I was no longer viewing a tranquil reflection, I had become it. The peace I perceived now sprang from within me.

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Reflections From Last Christmas: Mary's Story

Christmas is usually the time of year when we open our Bibles to the gospels and we read through the accounts of Jesus’ birth. Sometimes we read them quickly, taking in the flow of events that culminated in a baby’s cry. Sometimes we read them slowly, looking for the bits of gold that maybe we have never noticed before. Sometimes we read them purposefully, seeking to be quiet and to be at the feet of the Author of the Story, hoping to hear something.

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Romans: Should Christians Judge Other People?

Growing up, I had a friend who always noticed other people’s noses. The reason was simple: she hated her nose, and so the first thing she noticed about anyone she met is their nose (usually in the context of how much better their nose was than her own). It might be a silly example, but to me, it illustrates what Apostle Paul is trying to point out in this week’s passage: judging others for the very things we ourselves do.

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Not Yet Married: A Book Review

Don’t be deceived by the title. This book does not assume that one fine day all of its readers will be married. It’s not even written solely to the singles crowd. With relatable storytelling and sound wisdom gleaned from Scripture and plenty of difficult, awkward experiences, Marshall Segal titles his book to remind us that “on this side of heaven we are all not yet married” (15).

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Celebrate Your Season

I have been through a few seasons in my life so far. God has shown me in each season how everything works in His timing and not my own. Some may recall parts of their life with bitterness or despair. Thankfully, I can reminisce on my own with fondness and gratefulness. God had His hand on my life through those times, and His faithfulness is truly evident looking back.

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Five Ways To Stay Grounded Through Change

2021. It’s a new year, filled with lots of hope and expectations for better days and more human interaction. At the end of 2020, everyone had big goals and hearts full of hope — hope in the new year, in the flip of a page of the calendar. And within just one week, our country faced an unspeakable trial, knocking down the hope in the better days that were supposed to refresh us in the new year. As Christians, we are called to put our hope in Christ, not in any year or even any person.

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New Year, New Trust

Trust is a rare quality to find in our world right now. We have more distrust with the media, politicians, healthcare providers, scientists, and theologians than one may remember. I find myself not knowing who or what to believe anymore. And yet, I have peace. I have peace because I know my Engineer will remain constant always. God is the constant I can always trust.

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When Rest Hurts

I don’t believe it’s possible to discuss the change of year and hope of rest and renewal without addressing the overwhelming amount of pain in the room. Pain from illness that took loved ones. Pain in protests and riots. Pain in politics. Pain in our lives. Pain in our relationships. I am weary with pain.

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