Romans: Should Christians Judge Other People?
Romans: week four
Read Romans 2:1-11
Growing up, I had a friend who always noticed other people’s noses. The reason was simple: she hated her nose, and so the first thing she noticed about anyone she met is their nose (usually in the context of how much better their nose was than her own). It might be a silly example, but to me, it illustrates what Apostle Paul is trying to point out in this week’s passage: judging others for the very things we ourselves do.
Here’s the thing though - much like the Roman church - we don’t like to admit that. It is easier to call out someone else’s sin, mistakes and weaknesses than to admit our own. Pride is easily noticed in our neighbor’s designer clothes and fancy house, but not in our own bragging of how humbly and and simply we dress and live. And for us women, gossip is often how we work in our judgment of other women, or even our church leaders. How could she say that? Did you hear what she did? Did you see what she posted on her Instagram?
So, this week, let’s study what it means to pass judgement on others and how the Gospel plays a role in this.
First, read Romans 2:1-11 and then journal through the following study questions:
What does it mean to judge someone? (Hint: here is the Greek word Paul uses in this context)
What is the difference between judgment and condemnation?
It is possible to judge someone without also condemning them? Give an example of this.
Read Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 6:37, John 8:7, and James 4:11-12. What do these passages teach us about judging others?
Read John 7:14-24. What does it mean to “judge with right judgment” and not by appearance? See also 1 Corinthians 2:15.
Read 1 Corinthians 5. The Corinthian church had problems with sexual immorality in their church and Paul tells them that they should judge those inside the church, not those outside the church. So, if we see sin in the church, how should we respond? (See Galatians 6:1, 1 Timothy 5:20, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 17:3 and 2 Timothy 4:2)
What role does the Gospel play in how we judge others? (Hint: Romans 2:4)
What is sin? (Hint: James 4:17, 1 John 3:4, James 1:15 and Mark 7:20-23)
How does God feel about sin? Why?
Sometimes, it is easy to mistake God’s patience with us as approval of our choices and lifestyle. But what does Apostle Paul have to say here about the result of God’s kindness towards you?
Who will God render wrath, fury, tribulation, and distress to? What kinds of works do these types of people do to deserve such judgment? (Hint: Romans 2:8-9)
If the judgment we want to receive from God is eternal life, how should we live? (Hint: Roman 2:7 and 10)
What does it mean that God shows no partiality? See also Acts 10:34-35, Galatians 3:28
Reflect & Respond
What does this passage teach me about God?
How does this change the way I live?
Scripture to memorize:
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. -Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV)
As a reminder, if you’d like to discuss the above study questions or ask other questions about what we’re reading, post it here and we’ll figure it out together!
Yelena is the founder and editor in chief Tirzah. Yelena works as an attorney in tax and in her spare time, she is working on her first book for unmarried twenty-something women in extended waiting seasons and running Tirzah. She has a passion for pointing young women to Christ, and enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.