When It's More Than A Fun Test: A Brief Peek Behind The Enneagram

I recently found myself fascinated with the Enneagram Type Personality Test. A lot of my favorite podcasters talk about it, my friends all talk about it, and I enjoy the Instagram posts and series. I thought it would be cool to do an article about it. I decided to look into the history of the enneagram. Where did it come from? How did it originate? Who developed it? How should Christians approach the enneagram? I walked out of writing this article more uncomfortable and unsettled than I began.

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Keeping The Faith With An Imperfect Body

I recently took engagement pictures with my fiancé, and the photoshoot was magical. It was this really special hour that I will treasure. Our photographer sent us some of the highlights, and I loved them — but, ugh, was that really me? Fifteen pounds heavier than I started this year, my jawline was soft, and my hips seemed ridiculously wide. I was struggling to enjoy these images because I couldn’t get past what I considered my physical failings.

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Beyond Forgiveness

Forgiveness is arguably one of the most challenging instructions that Jesus gave us to follow. Logically, we understand that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and that to be forgiven we need to be willing to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). It seems as if the issue is straightforward, and if we did what Jesus said, life would be peachy. Why then do so many of us, me included, find it hard to move beyond forgiveness?

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By His Wounds

For many of us, it appears we seem to be in an unending, tumultuous, and painful wilderness of trials, disappointments, and heartbreak. Deep down in the hearts of His people is the desperate need and yearning for refreshment and revival of soul and spirit. Scripture tells us this life-changing healing can only come from the presence of the Lord.

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Podcasts For The Theological Girl

I love theology. Honestly, I really love theologically sound Christians who care about what the bible actually says and not what they want it to say. I find it difficult to find media that I can follow and ingest that aligns with truth. Especially podcasts, the majority of Christian podcasts seem to focus on self-obsession, hustle culture, self-promotion, and twisting scripture to fit personal agendas. I always feel nervous turning on a “Christian” podcast because I’m not sure what “truth” they are choosing to preach.

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When Pride Turns Blessings Into Rights

This morning I discovered that a certain work benefit was being taken away and replaced with something inferior. That old familiar pang of indignation helplessness mixed with anger reared its ugly head. Never mind the objective reason that it is a for-profit company reallocating money from one thing to another, I felt indignant, affronted, entitled to the previous level of benefits I enjoyed before.

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WorkMolly GonzalezComment
What Would Jesus Want Me To Do?

If you grew up going to church as a kid during the 90s, it’s likely you acquired at least one bracelet with WWJD printed on it. They popped up suddenly and it seemed like everyone had one. Maybe you wore one to remind you to ask yourself “What Would Jesus Do?” during any situation you might find yourself in.

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Celebrating Broken Sandcastles

We have a sandbox at school. My students like to make sand pies, dig to the bottom of the box, make tracks, build sandcastles. Everyday is a completely new adventure when it comes to the sandbox. The other day, I sat down by a tiny human (about three years old) who decided to build a sandcastle. He chose the perfect pail and perfect shovel. Then he sat down to begin his work. He meticulously shoveled sand into the pail until it was full. After a few tugs on the pail, he managed to turn it over into the sandbox to dump the sand out. As he pulled the pail up, I watched the sand topple down in a messy heap. I took a breath, prepared to reassure him that we could try again together. But he looked at me with the proudest smile you’ve ever seen, and giggled.

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Hope Arises In The Midst Of Kenosha

Hope. When I became a social worker, that was the word given to me. Dreams. The word it has shifted to in recent years. One of my mentors told me once I was a “hope dealer”. I was someone with the willingness to believe everyone could achieve their dreams with Christ. Many times you could find me sitting beside a single mom and her newborn baby, dreaming and planning how she could buy her first home even while sitting in the ash and pain of an unplanned pregnancy and single parenthood.

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The Danger Of Emotional Affairs

Bridges of Madison County (1995), Notebook (2004), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997), An Affair to Remember (1957). Have you ever seen these movies? If you haven’t seen them, I can’t in good conscience recommend them, they are very secular and represent lifestyles we as Christians should not seek to emulate. But let’s be honest, we’re all women here, more than one of us has clutched a tissue box or pint of ice cream and wept through one of these films. I mean, he wrote her 365 letters for a year! And she was hit by a taxi! Their love is just meant to be!

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3 Things I Learned About Starting A Ministry

We called it the Meeting Place. In 2019, I finished the Perspectives course with some close guy friends of mine, and we were fired up! We wanted to serve Jesus to the ends of the earth, but all of us weren’t in a place to pick up and go. Not all of us had the means to move to the ends of the earth. But we all had the same desire: to build a stronger community for college-age Christians and grow deeper in our faith. We decided to call it the Meeting Place, and that’s all we knew.

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