Who Is #1?

You have to love yourself. You have one life, do this for you. These are just a few of the phrases I have recently encountered while I exercise with online trainers. I understand their job - to motivate me and everyone else listening. While I can see how this would be quite motivating and keep me cycling/running, what if these were mantras for our lives?

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Letting Go Of Perfection

Last week I started a new job. As crazy as it might sound now given how the past few months have been, back in January I talked with my boss to let her know that I would be resigning in May because I wanted to switch careers. It was nerve-wracking to be voluntarily searching for a job during a period when so many other people were just focusing on trying to keep their current jobs.

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Finding God In The Middle of Your Routine

This blog post is inspired by the Orange Curriculum that my 10th grade girls are undergoing at this time. Our most recent series is Finding Rhythm. It made me think about my daily, weekly, monthly, yearly rhythm with God. Besides going to church every Sunday, and midweek on Wednesdays how do I find my rhythm with God? If one is seeking rhythm with God, how does one start?

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Life in Wisdom

We’ve all played a game of “This or That” either as a child or at a bridal shower. The question of “Vanilla or Chocolate” is one that usually stumps me because when it comes to ice cream, it truly depends on whether it’s soft serve or not. Other questions are easier to answer like “Cats or Dogs” and despite my allergies I’d say dogs, without question! Now, if we were to ask the question of “Life or Death,” I would dare to say that the vast majority of people would choose life. That would be a no brainer.

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Glory to Grieve

In the midst of unspeakable tragedy, there begins the floodgates of memories—the beautifully painful memories of those we did not have enough time with, whose lives were cut short, but also memories to create anew. A friend’s recent Facebook post captured my attention about the cycle, brevity, and finality of life, and how quickly life can be altered. How beautifully it can be created, and how it can be violently taken away

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5 Ways To Spot False Teachers

It is said that a ship traveling even one degree off course can end up on a completely different continent. Traveling from San Francisco to L.A. one degree off will cause you to end up 6 miles off course, and from San Francisco to Washington D.C. would have you end up in Boston. One degree seems so trivial, but stay the course long enough, and you end up on a path to a completely different destination than you may have originally hoped.

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Words And Promises

Promises can be made in haste or wisely with understanding. Today, I want to take a look at how words can affect our lives. I am an outspoken gal, who was always told I talk too much. Lately, God has been placing seeds in my heart about wise speech.

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Commonly Asked Theology Questions

The word theology sounds pretty daunting to understand. It’s a word we try to avoid and steer off into another topic which we may feel a little bit more comfortable with. When we think about the word ‘theology’ we tend to think about Biblical academics, Christian history, and a lot of other subjects that we may think that is too difficult or irrelevant to jump into.

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How To Deal With Criticism

Let’s be real--most of us don’t like criticism. As a struggling perfectionist, I personally hate it when someone tells me I’m doing something wrong. I have a tendency to focus on the negative, even if 90% of the feedback was positive. Because no matter how true the words may be, criticism often leaves me feeling like a failure. But I’ve learned from experience that without a healthy dose of criticism, we can’t grow.

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