Managing Money As a Christian

When I got my first debit card in high school, I felt more panic than freedom. I was worried that I would be irresponsible and make mistakes with money that would carry on into adulthood. Is there a right way to handle money? Are Christians supposed to handle it differently than the rest of the world? Is debt good or bad? When should I start investing? What exactly is a 401(k)? It was all too overwhelming.

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When Life Feels Like "Too Much"

Are you feeling a little shaken up these days? Between a pandemic, maybe some crazy weather (Nashville, I’m looking at you), protests and marches...the world is definitely doing some shaking. And in between all of that, you’re still trying to live life. Holding down a job that may or may not be satisfying / secure / consistent / enjoyable. Maintaining relationships with friends and family. Keeping a clean house and feeding yourself something besides popcorn and granola. It’s a lot.

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Love Deeply

The other day I was at my church helping to set up for an event when out of nowhere I felt tiny arms wrap around me in a hug. I glanced down to see a little girl that I had never seen before. She looked up at me and said something which both surprised me and stuck with me: “I love you… what’s your name?”

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Recommendation on Racial Reconciliation: As I A.M. Podcast

As Yelena and I started researching racial reconciliation and how to best address the topics, we went to our friends to find resources. It just so happened that my neighbors across the street had a podcast. Their podcast was addressing racial issues in light of Christ and their own personal experiences.

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