We grow so accustomed to the daily grind of our busy lives, with barely a thought of reassessing if what we are doing is what we ought to be doing. And here’s another thought: what if the “thing you had planned” that didn’t turn out the way you thought, was actually part of the Bigger Plan?
Read MoreThe Panama sun beats down on the cracked ground, even in the mid-morning. I have never been out of the country in my nineteen years of life, but here I find myself in the suburbs of Panama City, serving with global missionaries and other students from my college.
Read MoreOn Sunday, we had two missionaries visit our church and both of them spoke about the organization they work for, the mission trips they've been on and the miracles they've experienced. And I sat there and listened....and felt incredibly selfish and defensive.
Read MoreImagine for a moment, two women, both of similar socioeconomic backgrounds and both unexpectedly pregnant. Today is a scary, life-altering day for them. At 24 weeks of pregnancy, both mothers learned of their baby’s gender four weeks ago, and could have heard their baby’s heart beating 18 weeks ago. The women and babies will undergo procedures performed today by physicians who took the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.”
Read MoreGroups like ANM help people receive and access the Bible - in their NATIVE language. Right now, we are partnering to promote them giving Children’s Storybook Bibles to China. These Bibles could end up in the hands of children who have NEVER been exposed to Jesus. How cool is that?
Read MoreAs I watch the news headlines scroll across my television screen, I’m left in a state of helplessness and heartbreak over the lost lives and utter destruction taking place in Ukraine and across the globe. In the last few weeks of praying for the Ukraine/Russian war, the Lord continually reminded me that He is in control and has a purpose and a plan through even this sudden terror.
Read MoreWhen we cannot find the words
Read MoreOn this conclusion on how to burn ships and build bridges, I want to burn the ship that your actions are necessary for God’s work. Guess what I learned? All the people, places, and things I thought God needed to complete His will - they were not necessary for GOD to complete what He wanted. Others chose their stories and I miss them dearly. However, I made the choice to follow God to where HE wanted to do a miracle.
Read MoreI, (Alycia), had the pleasure of interviewing Anna Cantrall to discuss her life and incredible story. Every person has a story, a testimony that shows how God took them from glory to glory. This is Anna’s story.
Read MoreI frequently get asked what is the meaning of Tirzah? This is because I run a non-profit with the name, as well as assisting Yelena with editing. In the past, I used to say “Oh, it means she is my delight”. Everyone would talk about how that is such a delightful name - especially to make women know that the Lord delights in them. I absolutely agree! However, as I did research recently, the name of Tirzah Magazine took on a new depth.
Read MoreAt Tirzah, it has always been important to us to give voice to the women around the world. To equip you to be a voice for girls around the world who may not have one, and to do so from an informed perspective rooted in Scripture. Right now, the world is watching Afghanistan, and we want to provide a summary of recent events and how you can help.
Read MoreAt this point in time, throughout my years of serving Tirzah Ministries, you have heard the behind the scenes story of my time of preparation. You’ve seen what it’s like to burn ships - to destroy old ideas and concepts that no longer serve the future God has planned for me. I can’t say it is easy to be transparent about your life. However, I have been so fortunate to have so many AMAZING women ministry leaders, authors, and pastor’s wives pour into me. I may never meet you in person, but I hope my stories teach you and your ability to share your story on Tirzah inspire you to a deeper faith.
Read MoreIn the United States, today’s war seems to fall more along black and white than Jew or Greek. It is interesting to me how people think victimization of a race is new and unique. When we look throughout history, we can go all the way back in time to the war between the Jews and the Greeks in the Bible. All over the world there are culture clashes and race wars. There are the Hutus and Tutsis in Africa, the apartheid in South Africa, and a war in the Slavic areas that broke out because of people in different countries marrying one another!
Read MoreHave you ever felt God calling you to do something, but you definitely did NOT want to do it? Let me introduce you to Jonah. He would probably be saying, “Same, girl, same.” Jonah is the Biblical icon of disobedience to the Lord.
Read MoreI don’t know about you, but when I used to think of missions, I limited it to preaching the gospel to developing nations that are hundreds, if not thousands, of miles from home. Little did I know, I was putting God in a box. I limited the gospel to impoverished people who live far away from me.
Read MoreIf you Google “the Bible” and “justice,” you’ll find lots of websites that walk you through the story of Joseph (the guy who had the coat of many colors), you’ll find mentions of mercy, and there will be a lot of Psalms. You might stumble across the mention of Biblical justice.
Read MoreIn Happy Valley, South Australia, Travis and Pixi Johnson call 72 Candy Road their home-away-from-home. Built in the 1800s, the little old church sits proudly on the corner, sheltered by peppercorn trees and besides a grassy hill often dotted with kangaroos.
Read MoreThe most daunting portion of mission work is often the first step of the journey. It can make any potential missionary candidate to sweat a little, if not a lot, over any number of things that can crop up. There are so many questions, and a slew of potential unknowns.
Read MoreWe’ve got a responsibility as artists, creatives, writers and the like to handle the Great Commission with care. So what are we doing about it?
Read MoreYou really couldn’t have thought the story was over...right?
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