When God Feels Distant- Be Still

Recently, I struggled to hear God’s voice in the midst of the chaos that is going on around me. I needed to grow in my relationship with God, but I felt stagnant in my efforts. Every time I tried to pray or read the Bible, God felt so distant. I felt like a bad Christian. It seemed like I was talking to an old friend, who couldn’t relate to me, and there was a barrier between us so I couldn’t clearly hear His voice. With tears in my eyes, I slowly admitted this to one of my friends… I struggled to hear God’s voice. I felt like the Lord was far from me. I read my Bible and prayed. But I still felt overwhelmed and defeated.

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Better Together

Many people love to compare Bible characters. Themes in churches and society tell us we can be just like these characters. They specify us to be just like a woman character in the Bible - or for men - a male Biblical character. However, we are called to be who God created us.

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Building Community Within The Church

A couple of years after finishing college, I decided to move to France to teach as an English assistant in elementary school. While I spoke French passably, it was definitely a transition to suddenly having to communicate with everyone in the language after not practicing since my last college class. It took me a month to feel comfortable enough to brave attempting to go to a church in France.

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Being Prepared For God

I’ve always been a solo hiker. That’s what originally drew me to hiking...the opportunity to be alone with my own thoughts and feelings and fears. To face new challenges and push my limits. Setting myself up for success in the face of any and every possibility. My pack was perfect: Headlamp, snacks, water, extra layers, socks, rain layer, band-aids, knife, lighter..

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Wait Through Worship

Wait. We don’t like that word very much, do we? I know I don’t sometimes and I think that as a whole, we are people who are in a hurry more often than not. What are some things that we don’t like waiting for? How about a paycheck? Food? Perfect timing, or as close to perfect as we can reach? Possessions—cars or beautiful homes? A husband? Kids?

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Purpose In Pain

One year ago, we were spending our Labor Day weekend in a children's hospital. What started as a routine wellness visit with the pediatrician, turned into our tiny baby boy being admitted to the hospital for "Failure to Thrive". He was three months old at the time and, despite our efforts, his weight had begun to fall away from the growth curve. The pediatrician felt it best to have his calorie intake monitored and see if a solution to his slow and fluctuating weight gain could be found.

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God, Why Did You Let This Happen?

My nephew, Charlie, is 17 months old, and it has been so much fun watching him grow. Listening to him learn new words has probably been my favorite part of this process. One of the first words, other than Mama and Daddy, that he said clearly was “book”. It was adorable! I remember being so amazed at how this small little human had expressed such a clear thought. With each new word that he says, it brings a smile to my face. It won’t be long before he expands his vocabulary further and even begins to string these solitary words into small sentences. Before we know it, he will be asking that question that parents with small children hear so often…”why?”

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Do We Still Need To Practice Sabbath Today?

The Sabbath day of rest was a big deal in the Old Testament - in multiple places in the Scriptures, God instructs the Israelites on the importance of taking the seventh day of the week off from all work. It was a sacred commandment, a sign between God and His people, that they may know that He is the who sanctifies them. But, how is that relevant for us today?

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TheologyGuest UserComment
Evangelism Is For Missionaries

Sometimes, people think I am a vocational missionary. It’s a simple mistake: after all, I’ve got the suitcases, passport, cargo pants and Chacos to look it. There are some stark differences between Christian international relief work and mission work, but I often receive comments like, “May God bless your mission” and “What you’re doing is kingdom-work.” Sometimes these words, kindly meant, lead me to wonder: are we, in the Church, shirking our own responsibility to make disciples?

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To The Woman Who's Worth More

I’m in the midst of a battle. My Abba Father pours truth over me through the Holy Spirit, while the enemy uses the hurtful arrows of another against me. The target? My identity. So I dig deep, and I write this truth to you because I know that I’m not the only woman on this battlefield.

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Ashley WiktorekComment
Scars From The Sanctuary: Navigating Church Hurts

Have you been wounded by another person who confesses to being a believer in Jesus Christ? Is that person in a position of leadership in a local church? Do you have “sanctuary scars” that resulted in you feeling anywhere from burned out to soul-scarred and physically ill at the thought of walking through your church doors again? First of all, I’m sorry you’re in such pain as you begin reading this. While I can’t remove the pain, both yours or mine. I hope to point us to the One who heals, cleanses, and restores.

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