Posts tagged prayer
Giving Up Worry To God

Worry and stress are seemingly inescapable. Even if you have a relaxed personality—which I for the record do not—you will still face numerous changes that are just part of life and will create stress. If you are already more prone to worry, then any event can cause you to become more and more anxious. 

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How Dating Humbled Me

Godly, socially adept men seem to be extinct, which makes dating hard. Too many disappointments, let-downs, or occasions of being “ghosted” have left their mark on the masses of Christian women and the general response is despair or cries of, “Where have all the good men gone?” I’ve even done this. I’ve been embittered and hopeless after one too many heartaches. I’ve blamed men for being too cowardly, too selfish, or, in some seasons of my life, too elusive

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What Is Worship?

Is worship only found on Sunday morning between the first strum of the guitar to when the house lights are raised and the amen is said? Most of us know that worship is not confined to those minutes, but how do we reset our lifestyles to be lifestyles of worship toward God?

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6 Ways To Make Time For Jesus In Your Day

If we're honest life gets busy and suddenly your schedule changes. Unfortunately, some things get forgotten or left for last and one of those things can be our time with God. If you start to notice that your life feels dry, or empty, that's a HUGE indicator that we aren't being fueled by our Lord Jesus Christ enough! So let's discover some tips on making time for Jesus in our day to day lives!

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