Have you ever read something and it made your world stop? A quote, a bible verse, an email or a text message that just makes you rethink every aspect of your life? Well this is what this quote by Keith Green did to me.
Read MoreWide eyes, stumbling legs, big feelings, an innate hunger for knowledge, and a deep need for connection are the characteristics that come to mind when I think of children. Kids are constantly learning, trying, and exploring. They are never afraid to talk too much or scared to bother others.
Read MoreThese two verses humbled to a new low. “You are the temple of God.” I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the world and visit at least a dozen different churches, temples and cathedrals. Some were grand and filled with spectacular details; others were ancient, worn down by years and lack of care. But that feeling of entering a church was always the same - an awe that humbles and soothes the soul.
Read MoreToday on Tirzah, we have a WORD STUDY for you. You will need a journal and pen to complete it.
Read MoreIt was the end of 2007, life felt perfect. We lived in Kilpauk, a beautiful suburb in Chennai, India. Our apartment was a cute 3 bedroom- tailor made for us. The little window between the kitchen and dining room was a signature detail that we all loved. The little balcony had heaps of potted plants, a cage with love birds, and another one with guinea pigs.
Read MoreDivided into five sections of descending numbers of verses, Psalm 17 teaches us how we are to lament correctly before God. Note that to lament is not exactly the same as complaining. To complain before God is to despair over circumstances while at the same time distrusting his goodness.
Read MoreIn the quiet…
Read MoreSuffering; the topic of suffering has been weighing heavily on me as of late. Everywhere I turn someone seems to be hurting, struggling, or grieving. We all endure suffering on this earth, and some suffer more than others. As Christians, we are not promised a life free of suffering but we are reminded in Romans 8:18 that it does not compare to the glory we will experience with Jesus.
Read MoreFor a long time, I pondered and asked God for revelation on what the following verse actually means: “So Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams”. (1 Samuel 15:22 NKJV)” Reading single verses in isolation,without their context, is fraught with danger…
Read MoreThe excerpt above from a Psalm of David perfectly captures the simultaneous feelings of despair and hope that sometimes plague believers. On one hand, we know intellectually that God is good (all the time) and will never leave or abandon us (Hebrews 13:5). On the other hand, circumstances of life can sometimes feel so unbearably heavy and crushing that it is tempting to wonder if the former is really true.
Read MoreI have been listening to the podcast The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz, for a few years now. I love his dialogue after reading the scriptures. I have learned much from listening to the Bible daily and listening to his commentary afterwards. I recently went through the book of Judges in the Old Testament; and although quite different time periods from the modern time, there is, indeed, a connection between the book of Judges and our world today.
Read MoreIn 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, we find valuable verses that offer believers insight into the love of God while also giving us instructions and applications for how to show love to others. While most of this scripture tells us what love is, verse 5 tells us what love is not and does not do. The last part of this verse says that “love does not delight in evil.” (NIV)
Communion (in some form or another) is evident throughout both the Old and the New Testament. To commune means, ‘to get very close to someone by communicating one's feelings and thoughts’ or ‘to live and work together, sharing possessions and responsibilities’ (Oxford Dictionary and Merriam Webster Dictionary). Communion adds ‘to provide for, nourish, protect and redeem.’
Read MoreIf you’ve been following along this year with Tirzah, you know that we have been on a journey to explore the basic foundations of our faith. Check out Parts 1, 2, and 3 to learn more about the Biblical understanding of “church”. Today, we are actually following through on a request for the foundations of the Anglican Church.
Read MoreWaiting is difficult, especially when waiting for something our hearts deeply desire. It isn’t for the faint of heart nor is waiting for those who give up easily. 1 Samuel 1:2 reads,¨and he had two wives; the name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.¨
Read MoreIt’s probably verses like these that are taken out of context and used to accuse God of being a mean and overly critical teacher who is just waiting to catch you red-handed. Not true. He’s so much bigger and better than we think.
Read MoreHave you ever seen pure white snow; the kind that makes everything quiet? When you walk in it and hear the crunching sound of your shoes, you stop in your tracks because you feel like you are a part of something that deserves your awe and stillness. It is something that stays with you, the tranquility and calm of it all.
Read MoreIf you kept a running count of all the times you fell short when it came to pleasing God, what would the total be? I know my number would be high, and that thinking about it at times could bring an unnecessary, yet heavy, heartache to my chest. Lately, God has placed it on my heart to meditate on, write about, and live out, rest in Him.
Read MoreWhat comes to mind when you hear the words, ‘Trust God’. What does it mean? What does it look like?
Pause. Jot down your thoughts, then read on.
The dictionary defines trust as: a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something. Trust in God is a decision to stand against all odds and believe that He is good, reliable, truthful and able, regardless of the circumstances of our lives.
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