Posts in Lifestyle
Common Questions about Counseling

One of the things I think that young people have the most questions about is counseling. Should they try it? What are the benefits? How do they even find a counselor? As someone who holds therapy in very high esteem, I decided to write an article answering questions and providing encouragement for those hoping to get into therapy or find a counselor.

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Two things defined her, her marriage and her barrenness. No more, no less. She was the wife of a great man, who was called by God to do great things. Called princess at birth, Sarai was beautiful and privileged, yet despite these blessings there was one insurmountable issue – her. Barrenness put a boundary around her and defined her as a failure.

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Dealing with Divine Detours

This wasn’t the life I had planned. It wasn’t part of the carefully filled out “five-year” plan I completed in senior English. This wasn’t what I had strived for, what I imagined, what I dreamt of. It was nothing I would have wanted for myself. By now, I should be putting a down payment on a house. I should have my New York Times bestseller published.

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The One Thing You Cannot Do

“You can’t just decide you want to do something and do it.” The statement by my pastor really jolted me in my seat. My immediate reaction was disgust. As a typical human, if someone says “you can’t” to me, it immediately becomes my life goal to be able to come back and say “I can . . . and I DID.”

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When Your Little Becomes Enough

There is something liberating about new beginnings. A clean slate. A fresh start. That is what 2020 brings. But we are not just entering a new year, we are also entering a new decade. And as we enter a new decade, we, more often than not, cannot help but want it to be grand. We have big goals in mind. We set a vision for our lives and how we want to live it in the next 10 years. 

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Yelena’s 2020 Goals + An Invitation To Abundance

Goal setting used to be easier for me, back when my life track was a little more clear: get into college, graduate from college, get into law school, graduate from law school, get a job, get promoted, get a different job that aligns more with my personal priorities ... I checked all those life milestones. Now what? Because being unmarried in my late twenties feels a bit like an unknown path.

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How To Live Your Best Life And Become The Best You

As a society, we are always promoting our best for ourselves. However, these self-centered statements like “being my best self,” “being the best version of me,” or “ I am living my best life” can end up hurting ourselves and others. This happens when we interpret these phrases with the idea that we do it by ourselves, which is not a sustainable way to live. When I see these “best” phrases, there are two ways they potentially affect people's lives.

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When You Wish You Were More Like You Used To Be

I always have mixed feelings when I look back over my photo collection from the past decade.  Facebook always seems to be able to pick out and share some good times that are memorable moments to remember.  I love to reminisce over all the wonderful changes that have taken place in my life and I feel blessed to see how far I have come.  On the other hand, I have to admit, I also feel a twinge of sadness.

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Looking Back to Look Forward

This time of year always grips me with stress and fear. Not necessarily due to the busyness of the holiday season (although that is certainly there) but because of all the unknowns looming in the year ahead. As disciples of Jesus, however, we are called to allow tomorrow to inform the decisions of today, but return to the urgent business of the living present, in the moment. In other words, we are wise about the future but we do not live there.

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Cultivating the Spiritual Discipline of Propriety + Letter From the Editor

Propriety is not a word most of us know or use today. It means “characterized by appropriateness and stability.” As children of a holy God, this means behaving in a way that is appropriate for Christians and that doesn’t bring shame to the Gospel.  But what does that look like practically in the modern world?

PLUS: Will Tirzah be around in 2020? Read this month’s letter from the editor to learn more about Tirzah’s future.

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Be Careful Little Eyes

Did you know that as believers and followers of Jesus, we need to be careful with how we spend our time? We do. We need to be careful with what we read, what we watch, and what we listen to. A lady that I have “followed” for years through her blog posts made me aware of this fact. Before I start, though, can I just tell you how thankful I am for an online community of women who love Jesus that I have never personally laid eyes on? Social media gets such a bad rap, but when it is used for good, the enemy needs to beware!  

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