We finished our takeaway coffees and headed back to the ward to wait. It was quiet, there weren’t a lot of people around. The room was nice, it even had a little view of the city parks.
Read MoreTwo weeks ago, we had a discussion about 5 signs of a cult and being aware of what type of church you attend. There are many groups that are misleading or drawing people away from the church. However, there are equally a great number of churches that draw people to Jesus. It is important to recognize when you find a great church so you can plug in and be a part!
Read MoreOur word for the week is LOWLY.
Read MoreA few months ago, I put in my two weeks’ notice at work to begin a career as a full-time writer. I was nervous about the transition. But, I had enough work lined up for several months, and I was confident that I would continue to find more projects especially when I had twice as much time available.
Read MoreThe season is upon us. The season of debating. Do you go ahead and put up your Christmas decorations? Or do you wait until you have celebrated Thanksgiving?
Read MoreI have always loved looking at people’s hands. I love my husband’s hands, especially the older he gets. They are large, rough, and starting to show his age. I love my mom’s hands— they’re beautiful and show the years she spent raising her daughters, caring for her elderly mom, and helping me with my kids when they were little. I love my dad’s hands—he is ninety years old and they look very similar to this picture you see. These people that I mentioned are known for their hands, and hands represent a life lived.
Read MoreThis year we are privileged to have, Yvonne, a reader from New Zealand publish our Advent study. For those who don’t know Advent is a countdown to Christmas and this is a perfect time to learn more about Advent. Join us the next 4 weeks on Mondays via www.tirzahmag.com for a new week’s article for you to reflect on throughout your week.
Read MoreShe spent a lot of her time in prayer behind closed doors. And with her frugal savings helped many widows and evangelists who came to her with a need. Her only regret was not pursuing higher studies, and she always voiced her sadness about not having a father.
Read MoreOnce upon a time, I had a group of friends. It started harmless enough. We were the best of friends who loved to live life together. One day everything changed. Life started to get less and less fun. Divisions were caused and rifts were built. Suddenly, having fun was a sin.
Read More1 Corinthians 13, verses 4 through 7, has always fascinated me. As a child, I saw it as yet another unattainable thing in the Bible. It was something that Christians were supposed to be, but also something I could never be. It felt overwhelming. As a youth, I started to understand that these were qualities of Christ, yet they still felt beyond my grasp. As a young adult who walked away from the Lord, I no longer cared what the Bible said about anything
Read MoreWhat do you do when there is a tear-stained face, hair uncombed, a heart full of fear and anxious thoughts racing up and down, a time when you can’t eat, sleep or face anyone? How does the Bible tell us to face, endure and overcome suffering?
Read MorePeople often tell single gals that once you’re ready, God will send a husband into your life. But, what is “ready”? I struggled with that in my single years, often thinking that maybe the reason God wasn’t giving me a husband for so long was because I wasn’t ready for marriage. Or maybe my husband wasn’t ready. Maybe neither of us was ready, and so we had to wait.
Read MoreThis fall I am on the home stretch of a goal to read through the Bible in one year. I wrapped up the Old Testament during the dog days of summer, which gave me a new perspective on persistence in patience, and am finally reading the good news in the fresh air of fall. Wrapping up the Old Testament during the dog days of summer and reading the good news in the freshness fall brings. It has been a joy to read of new life and new freedom in the new season.
Read MoreMundane tasks; sometimes hard work that goes unappreciated. So many things can drain you of the energy in your battery cells. Though the keys of life are in the ignition to start your day, many times you feel your whole being refuses to “turn on,” as if your battery was dead.
Read MoreOn this conclusion on how to burn ships and build bridges, I want to burn the ship that your actions are necessary for God’s work. Guess what I learned? All the people, places, and things I thought God needed to complete His will - they were not necessary for GOD to complete what He wanted. Others chose their stories and I miss them dearly. However, I made the choice to follow God to where HE wanted to do a miracle.
Read MoreI am mama to a two-month-old baby boy, and my life has seemingly dissolved into a million tiny storms that swirl around into one massive tornado I call a day. The baby needs to be held, the dishes need to be cleaned, the laundry is stacking up, the office needs to be organized, the baby’s peed all over the bed, my breastmilk is leaking through my shirt… I think you get the point. I constantly am battling a swarm of troubles that feel consuming and unending.
Read MoreIt’s easy to think the Reformation that took place within the church (the then Catholic church) centuries ago has no real relevance to this day and age. But in fact, the Reformation’s impact on the church today is quite significant, and it’s important to acknowledge just how significant it really is in relation to how we participate in the church today, especially for us as women!
Read MoreWhen I read “love is not proud” in 1 Corinthians 13:4, my mind jumps to a quote from the beloved Jane Austen novel, Pride & Prejudice, when Mr. Darcy says “Vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride - where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will always be under regulation.”
Read MoreI, (Alycia), had the pleasure of interviewing Anna Cantrall to discuss her life and incredible story. Every person has a story, a testimony that shows how God took them from glory to glory. This is Anna’s story.
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