What are you thinking? What is the first thought that normally pops into your head when you wake up?
Read MoreWhat do you do when there is a tear-stained face, hair uncombed, a heart full of fear and anxious thoughts racing up and down, a time when you can’t eat, sleep or face anyone? How does the Bible tell us to face, endure and overcome suffering?
Read MoreHave you ever watched the Hunger Games movies? (I recommend reading the books first, but the movies are good, too.) I have recently thought about a few scenes lately as I have started a Bible study on the armor of God.
Read MoreOh dear, here I was, worrying again! A phone call I had just received had made my mood spiral down. I was reacting in ways I did not like. My heart was racing, I was fearful and sad, all at once.
Read MoreHave you felt overwhelmed lately? Do you see what is happening in the world and become anxious? Do you see evil and find yourself fearful and angry? Have you talked to Jesus about it yet?
Read MoreI just returned home from a trip out west with my family. We traveled to South Dakota and Wyoming seeing spectacular views, enjoying the outdoors and hiking strenuous trails. I always find a sense of peace when I am out there with no cell or Internet service, respecting and relishing in God’s creation.
Read MoreThis month, I wanted to take a moment to pause and spend some time sharing about prayer with you. We’re over halfway through this year now, and lots has happened. The seasons have been ticking by, and depending on which hemisphere you find yourself in, you’re either rugging up and enjoying the grey, cold days over steaming cups of coffee, or you're shimmying into your swimwear and heading to the beach for summer holidays.
Read MoreIt was the fifth consecutive day I woke up with a headache. After trying my own remedies and finding them all useless, I asked my father, a general practitioner with over 50 years of experience. Dad said that early morning headaches were often caused by worry.
Read MoreWhat is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question for years. It has been present in the back of my mind starting with my broken family when I was a teenager and continuing through my many broken relationships and deaths of family members and friends over the years.
Read MoreThere is magic in a marsh sunset, when the water mirrors the sky above. I can watch the water, looking for ripples of movement to reveal the wildlife under the surface while admiring wispy clouds swirling overhead. And I can witness the water and sky as one, the water working to reflecting much bigger blue above.
Read MoreI grew up singing a song in chapel at school entitled; “He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time.” It’s a beautiful song giving me, and many others, hope to look beyond our present situations to have the courage in believing for a better turnout of events than our family of origin, our education, our own home churches and all the worldly wisdom and experiences we could set us up for.
Read MoreWhen I was little, my neighbor had rows full of strawberry plants in her garden. At the time, I knew that people grew vegetables, but the idea that you could grow something as delicious as strawberries in your own backyard fascinated me. I would have been only slightly more excited to find out that you could grow chocolate.
Read MoreNo other year has the message of Easter hit home like it did this year. A few weeks out from the holiday, my sister texted me the concerning news that my two-year-old niece was unwell. They had admitted her to the hospital for pneumonia. We prayed for her and believed that she would recover. A week later, unexpectedly, my niece’s health took a dramatic turn for the worse and within a few short hours, her life hung in the balance.
Read MoreThis year I decided that I needed to start my New Year’s resolutions a little bit early. Like a lot of people, my activity level has significantly decreased over the past year, partly due to not going to the gym and partly due to no longer walking around a school for seven hours a day.
Read MoreI don’t believe it’s possible to discuss the change of year and hope of rest and renewal without addressing the overwhelming amount of pain in the room. Pain from illness that took loved ones. Pain in protests and riots. Pain in politics. Pain in our lives. Pain in our relationships. I am weary with pain.
Read MoreWait. We don’t like that word very much, do we? I know I don’t sometimes and I think that as a whole, we are people who are in a hurry more often than not. What are some things that we don’t like waiting for? How about a paycheck? Food? Perfect timing, or as close to perfect as we can reach? Possessions—cars or beautiful homes? A husband? Kids?
Read MoreDo you believe it? Do you believe that there is a God who loves you, who is CALLING you?
Read MorePromises can be made in haste or wisely with understanding. Today, I want to take a look at how words can affect our lives. I am an outspoken gal, who was always told I talk too much. Lately, God has been placing seeds in my heart about wise speech.
Read MoreBe honest with me for just a minute—have you had a moment (or two or eighty–three) during this pandemic with those you most love? Have you totally lost your focus, your emotions, and the tight reign you try to keep over your tongue? I have. I’ve had several of these moments, if I’m being honest, and just earlier this week I was in the throes of one such time. I have this issue that I am always working on, with having high expectations of people.
Read MoreA secret I kept from my family and friends for many years, long before it even mattered, was my desire to be a mother one day. When I was in my early twenties and I was asked the question, “Do you want kids one day?” I would honestly say no.
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