Posts in Lifestyle
Don't Grow Weary

Information overload. Do those words ring any alarms for you? They do for me, especially right now in the times we’re living in. Everything feels so heavy in the world—and it is! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Do you? I think it’s okay to admit when we are not “okay”. One place I often feel frustrated is while I’m on social media. There are such great things about social media and I am an advocate for all of them. I love to be a light in that corner of the internet and I do believe that God can use each of us who belong to Him, even through our social media accounts. A frustrating side of social media is reading everyone’s opinions on everything under the sun.

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Building Bridges & Burning Ships: Part 2

I want to tell you about something I’ve noticed on the journey of building bridges and burning ships (part 1 here). Labels. They are so fun. When you meet a person you start to categorize them - the color of their skin, their age, their gender, their sexuality, or maybe what they do for a living. We don’t intentionally place people in a box - nonetheless we do. One of the things I’ve noticed in the modern-day church is an unintentional “burning ships”.

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Finding God's Lens For Motherhood

Having children is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park, to be precise.”
Before I had kids, this was a quote that I laughed at but didn’t really understand. Now, it’s something that I laugh at because it can feel so true. It doesn’t matter how many of your friends or family have kids before you and offer their advice and experiences to assist you on your own journey, there is truly nothing that can prepare you for what lies ahead. Much like the crew that John Hammond assembled in the first of this movie franchise - not a single one of them knew enough about dinosaurs despite all the books they’d read and bones they’d assessed to face them in real-time.

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Learning To Delight In The LORD

We had just moved from Chennai, India to Auckland, New Zealand. My husband started designing bridges here. Within a couple of weeks, the boys, 18 and 14, were busy with studies, and Ranjan worked long hours at the office. I realized I could not work as an architect in New Zealand with my Indian qualification. I took that and everything else to the Lord in prayer.

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Float To Faith

I lean my head back, spread out my arms and legs and allow the water to softly suspend me on the surface. I’m not swimming, forcing forward motion, or treading water, barely keeping my head above water. I’m floating: free to rest, be still and simply be. I welcome the weightlessness and wonder why I don’t float more often. Floating, in the water and out in the world, both takes faith and renews my faith. And I’m beginning to believe faith is a float.

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