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What Are You Hoping For This Year?

¨What are you hoping for this year?¨

My friend asked me, and without skipping a beat I said, ¨a good man.¨

“Neither was man created for woman, but woman created for man.” –1 Corinthians 11:9 (ESV)

For the better part of my life, I have been consumed with the hunt to find my future husband. I used to walk into new places looking the men over as potential dates. I put so much pressure on myself to find a man. In essence, I was trying to do God’s job.

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in his way.”-Psalm 37:23 (ESV)

It’s ironic looking at me now. I’m single and thoroughly enjoying my life. In my alone time with God, He told a couple of months ago,

¨You don’t need to be concerned about a future husband, you are already a bride.¨

This began my current phase of surrender: surrender of my singleness and opening my hands to whomever God has for me and whenever that will be.

Surrender to some people may seem like the cowardly way out. However, when we surrender to the cross it’s not cowardly, but instead, courageous.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9 ESV

Choosing to believe God´s plan for us, to trust Him and to believe in Him takes faith and courage. It takes humility and surrender. So, here I am, waving the white flag of surrender over my singleness. Not a flag that says I give up, but one that says, ¨take this from me; it’s too much for me to carry and I trust you and your timing God.¨

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NLT

I may be laying down my weapons, but I am not giving up hope.

I hope that one day, God will let my path cross with the right man, who won’t complete me, but compliment me. I deeply desire that I will have a wedding day and will get to love someone for the rest of my life through marriage.

As believers, we live and breathe hope. When the hope goes out of our sails, we can feel defeated and alone. But we are never alone. Jesus walks with us in our pain. Jesus walks with us through our loneliness. Through every dark night, Jesus is there showing us the light,

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” -Psalm 119:105 KJV

My advice to all the single ladies (myself included): Hold onto hope.

My friend, who lives and works in Nicaragua, asked me what I was hoping for this year. There, they have a saying in Spanish,

"La esperanza es lo último que muere."

Translated it says,

¨Hope is the last thing to die.¨

When we lose hope, we have nothing left. Hope is what gives us the strength to survive.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” -Romans 12:12 ESV

Be joyful in hope…’

Keep living your life. Seek the Lord in all you do, His timing is perfect. In reality, the guy we like and believe is the one for us will ultimately pale in comparison to who He has for us.

‘patient in affliction…’

Affliction means pain or suffering. When you watch your friends go on dates, remember patience is key. I will be twenty-eight this August. On one hand, I am sad that I haven´t yet gotten married. On the other hand, I know God hasn’t forgotten me. When my friends go on dates and start courting somebody, I am so quick to be jealous of what they have that I don’t. Then, I remember to be patient in the affliction. God hasn’t forgotten me!

‘faithful in prayer’

Keep praying for the man God has for you. You may not see him, but with prayer, things change.

Pray for your friends as they get into relationships. It will change those green eyes of jealousy into blue eyes of trust.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5 ESV

Single girl: Don’t give up hope! He is out there looking for someone just like you! And timing is everything. God´s timing is perfect. 

Remember Hope is the last thing that dies!

Hey y’all! My name is Mary Hannah. I remember when I was little, all I wanted to be, a writer and now I am living my dream. It makes this small-town girl’s heart excited that y’all are reading what I write. I reside, in what I think is the best state in the south, Georgia; where sweet tea is an option at every restaurant and pecan pie is a necessity at any family gathering. I am just single gal, who is trying to find the path to love, but no matter how long I am waiting until love finds me; I’ll still be praising God. I love Jesus with my whole heart; I write to spread his name and fame throughout the earth. Some fun facts about me: I’ve crossed the Boston Marathon finish line I love the smell of cut wood (it takes me back to my childhood) I’m down for a cup of coffee no matter the time I prefer dark chocolate over milk I would rather deal with cockroaches and/or spiders than ANTS! If you want to read more of my words check out my blog: tbdmlp.wordpress.com I’ll leave the cockroach talk out!!