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Book Review: The 50 Final Events in World History

“Write down what you have seen—both the things that are now happening and the things that will happen.” - Rev. 1:19

True confession: I’m not a fan of the book of Revelations. EACH book of the Bible is vital and important, but I’ve never really been into the book of revelations. I can explain why though. In the Bible, it talks about different spiritual gifts. If you get to know me in person, you can tell pretty quickly that I am passionate about both evangelism and discipleship. This keeps me centered on the here and now. Therefore, my mindset tends to be in the present because I already know about Revelation and want people to be rescued by Jesus before that chapter.

However, I chose to give Robert J. Morgan’s book a chance. Why? I believe it is important that we are aware of the end times and know each book of the Bible equally well. For example, did you know people believe different things about “the Millenium”? This book of the Bible causes conflict among churches because they believe the end times will happen in different ways. Robert J. Morgan actually has you walk through the entire book of Revelation while commentating on this book. It is extremely helpful and allows you to create your own thoughts on the book of Revelation.

“Have I correctly interpreted every verse of Revelation? Probably not. But the contents of this consummating book of Scripture are so thrilling to me that I wanted to share them with you as best I could.” - Robert J. Morgan

I personally love this quote and believe it represents a good book to study Revelation alongside. Why? Robert is not admitting to being God and recognizing that he could be in error but is still willing to put forth his words. Throughout the book, he does a great job of utilizing other Scripture in the Bible to explain Revelation. He also breaks it down by verses - rather than simply full chapters. This also makes it worth your while!

I want to leave you with a final thought on this book. If you are a new believer and have never read the Bible, this isn’t quite the book or the Bible or book for you - yet. Seasoned believers - this is a great way to go to the next level of your understanding of Revelation. There is a time and season for everything and if you’ve personally been dying to understand the end times more - grab this book and enjoy!

Buy here: https://www.robertjmorgan.com/50finalevents/